Welcome to the GCTI-THz/USP

Our research group explores the interaction of light with matter to elucidate the fundamental properties of advanced materials. From these studies, new functionalities can be derived and transformed into applications for technological innovation.

Our experimental facilities encompass equipment for terahertz / optical spectroscopy and electronic transport. In the first case, both continuous and pulsed lasers are integral components of custom-built platforms operating in the infrared and terahertz spectral regions for spectroscopy and imaging. These setups are complemented by cryostats, thus enabling studies at low temperatures and high magnetic fields. In the case of electronic transport studies, investigations of magneto-transport can be conducted under the illumination of microwave radiation. Check more details on this website ! 


(Representation of time-domain terahertz spectroscopy at the USP clock tower)

Our UN Sustainable Development Goals:

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