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MCTIC / SEPED and Finep confirm support for the BINGO Project


Legend: They were at the meeting on July 20 in João Pessoa: Sávio Tulio Oseliere Raeder, head of Departamento de Políticas e Programas de Ciência do MCTIC, Luciano Barosi, local coordinator of BINGO Project at Paraíba, Persival Henrique, Comite Gestor da Internet no Brasil, Lourival Lacerda Leite Filho, Mayor of Aguiar, Elcio Abdalla, geral coordinator of BINGO Project, Wanderley de Souza, head of Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico da Finep, Francilene Procópio Garcia, executive Secretary of Ciência e Tecnologia do Estado da Paraíba, Claudio Benedito Furtado, President of FAPESQ, Ricardo Rosas, Área de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (ACIT) - Finep, Vicemário Simões, Dean of UFCG.


On July 20, during a meeting in João Pessoa, Paraíba, the BINGO Project received confirmation of the financial support of 1 million reais from the Ministry of Science, Technology, Innovations and Communications through the Secretariat for Policies and Programs Research and Development MCTIC / SEPED and 3 million reais through the Funding of Innovation and Research, Finep. In addition to the promotion of the two institutions, the Government of Paraíba also confirmed its support for the BINGO Project.

The Prof. Luciano Barosi, coordinator of the BINGO Project in Paraíba comments that "the funding of MCTIC and FINEP, with the involvement of the government of Paraíba, represents not only the recognition of the excellence of BINGO's scientific research, but also the recognition of the importance of the project for the economic and social development of the region. "


According to Professor Elcio Abdalla of the Institute of Physics of USP and coordinator of the BINGO Project, the support of the Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP), MCTIC and FINEP are fundamental to the Project. 


FAPESP mainly finances the cost of components for receiver modules, antennas and assembly, as well as research grants associated with the project. On the support of the other institutions Barosi explains that "MCTIC's resources will be invested in the construction of the physical infrastructure of the project, the civil works on the ground necessary for the safety and operation of the structure of the radio telescope. radio telescope in the bearing metal. These infrastructure resources are added to the equipment resources already obtained with FAPESP to ensure the economic viability of the project. "