Colóquio do Departamento de Física Matemática | Colóquio DFMA

segunda-feira, 24 Outubro, 2022 - 17:00 até 18:00
Prof. Maurício Porto Pato (DFMA-IFUSP)

Resumo: In a recent paper (A. Fring and T. Frith, Phys. Rev A 100, 101102 (2019)), a modified Dyson's map is used to deal with density matrices of non-Hermitian Hamiltonians, in order to investigate the entanglement of states of a PT-symmetricbosonic system. They found that von Neumann entropy can show a different behavior in the broken and the unbroken regime. We show that their results can be recast in terms of an abstract model of pseudo-Hermitian random matrices. It isfound however that, although the formalism is practically the same, the entanglement is not of Fock states but of Bell states.

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