
Primordial Regular Black Holes and Dark Matter

quarta-feira, 5 Setembro, 2018 - 11:00
Prof. Jose A. de Freitas Pacheco (Observatoire de la Côte d'Azur)

Dark matter is an indispensable component to explain the large scale structure of the universe. However, some theoretical expectations are still in contradiction with observations as, for instance, the large number of predicted satellites, the central mass distribution of galaxies, the presence of massive galaxies and clusters at redshift z > 2. Moreover, LHC data do not indicate detection of supersymmetric particles, posing problems to the nature of dark matter. I will discuss an alternative scenario in which dark matter particles are primordial extreme regular black holes formed at the end of inflation, during the reheating era.

Local: Sala Jayme Tyomno


Flavourful roads to New Physics

segunda-feira, 27 Agosto, 2018 - 11:00
Dr. Rafael Silva Coutinho (University of Zurich)

The family of decays mediated by b -> sl+l- transitions provide a rich laboratory to search for effects of physics beyond the Standard Model. In recent years LHCb has found hints of deviations from theoretical predictions both in the rates and angular distributions of such processes. In addition, hints of lepton flavour non-universality have been seen when comparing B+ -> K+ mu+mu- and B+ -> K+ e+e- decay rates, with the so-called RK ratio. Similar observables in different decays, such as RK* = BR(B0 -> K*0mu+mu-)/BR(B0->K*0e+e-), have recently become available and indicate the same anomalous pattern. In this talk, an overview of the latest results in this sector and further avenues to test the effectiveness of lepton flavour universality will be presented.

Local: Sala Jayme Tiomno

Matrix Models for Zeta Functions

segunda-feira, 30 Julho, 2018 - 11:00
Prof. Debashis Ghoshal (School of Physical Sciences, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi, India)

Riemann hypothesized that the zeta function ζ(s) has (non-trivial) zeroes only on the line Re(s) = 1/2 in the complex s-plane. Hilbert and Polya suggested that the position of these zeroes might be related to the spectrum of a `Hamiltonian'. It has been known for some time that the statistical properties of the eigenvalue distribution of an ensemble of random matrices resemble those of the zeroes of the zeta function. We construct a unitary matrix models (UMM) for the zeta function, however, our approach to the problem is `piecemeal'. That is, we consider each factor in the Euler product representation of the zeta function to get a UMM for each prime. This suggests a Hamiltonian (of the type proposed by Berry and Keating) from its phase space description. We attempt to combine this to get a matrix model for the full zeta function.

Local: Sala Jayme Tiomno

Entanglement entropy production and the Kolmogorov-Sinai rate

quarta-feira, 30 Maio, 2018 - 11:00
Prof. Nelson de Oliveira Yokomizo (UFMG)

The rate of entropy production in a classical dynamical system is characterized by the Kolmogorov-Sinai entropy rate given by the sum of all positive Lyapunov exponents of the system. I will present a quantum version of this result valid for bosonic systems with unstable quadratic Hamiltonians: the entanglement entropy of squeezed coherent states grows linearly for large times, with a rate determined by the Lyapunov exponents and the choice of the subsystem. I will discuss the application of this result to quantum field theory and its conjectured implications for the behaviour of chaotic quantum systems prepared in a semiclassical state.

*Local: Sala Jayme Tyomno

Modelos Ferromagnéticos: transições de fase, campos decaindo e g-medidas

quarta-feira, 23 Maio, 2018 - 11:00
Prof. Rodrigo Bissacot (IME-USP)

Descreverei, de maneira não técnica, resultados que obtive com diversos co-autores nos últimos anos, explorando a ideia de que modelos ferromagnéticos, quando na presença de campos externos, podem ter o comportamento do mesmo modelo com campo nulo ou com campo uniforme não-nulo, dependendo da velocidade com que este decai a zero. O exemplos são modelos de Ising na rede e em árvores, e, também, modelos de Dyson na rede unidimensional Z. Neste último caso, obtemos o primeiro exemplo de uma medida de Gibbs que não é uma g-medida.

Local: Sala Jayme Tiomno


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