Publicações 1994

A Cyclotron As A High-Resolution Mass-Spectrometer For Fast Secondary Ions
Auger G, Mittig W, Lépine-Szily A, Fifield Lk, Bajard M, Baron E, Bibet D, Bricault P, Casandjian Jm, Chabert M, Chartier M, Ferme J, Gaudard L, Gillibert A, Lewitowicz M, Moscatello Mh, Orr Na, Plagnol E, Ricault C, Villari A C C, Feng Yy
Nuclear Instruments & Methods In Physics Research A 350 (1994): 235-243 
2nd-Order Effects in the Algebraic Potential for Heavy-Ion Systems near the Coulomb Barrier"
Lichtenthäler R, Pereira D, Chamon L C, Gomes L C, Ventura A, Zuffi L
Physical Review C 50 (1994) 3033-3036 
Analytic Extension Of The Nuclear Algebraic Potential"
Lichtenthäler R, Gomes L C
Physical Review C 50 (1994) 3163-3166




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