Congressos e Encontros da Área

Grupo de reações com núcleos exóticos -RIBRAS
34th International Workshop on Gross Properties of Nuclei and Nuclear Excitations:
The Structure and Dynamics of Hadrons.
16 Jan 2011 → 22 Jan 2011; Hirschegg, Kleinwalsertal, Austria
topics: Meson spectroscopy Baryon spectroscopy Hadron structure Production and decay dynamics.

Bormio2011 — XLIX International Winter Meeting on Nuclear Physics
24 Jan 2011 → 28 Jan 2011; Bormio, Italy
topics: Hadron Physics; Particle Physics; Nuclear Astrophysics and Nuclear Structure; Relativistic Heavy Ion Physics; Applications and Instrumentation

WONP-NURT 2011 — Workshop on Nuclear Physics and International Symposium on Nuclear and Related Techniches
07 Feb 2011 → 11 Feb 2011; Havana, Cuba
abstract: WONP-NURT 2011 joint several Workshops, each devoted to a specific field of research that includes, by the third time, HIGH ENERGY PHYSICS. The WONP-NURT Symposia are among the key Cuban scientific meetings dealing with the peaceful applications of nuclear techniques in several domains of the society and high energy particle physics.
topics: High Energy Physics, Nuclear Analytical Techniques, Medical Physics, Nuclear Reactions Devoted To Exotic Nuclei, Radiation Physics

Nuclear Physics in Astrophysics 5
03 Apr 2011 → 08 Apr 2011; Eilat, Israel

5th international Conference FUSION11
02 May 2011 → 06 May 2011; Saint Malo, France
abstract: The topics covered will include various aspects connected with heavy-ion fusion around the Coulomb barrier.

NSTAR2011 — The 8th International Workshop on the Physics of Excited Nucleons
17 May 2011 → 20 May 2011; Newport News, United States

ARIS - 2011 — International Conference on Advances in Radioactive Isotope Science
29 May 2011 → 03 Jun 2011; Leuven, Belgium
topics: Nuclear structure; Nuclear astrophysics; Fundamental symmetries and interactions; Atomic masses and fundamental constants; Nuclear moments and radii; Rare decay modes and nuclear spectroscopy; Reactions with radioactive ion beams; Nuclei at the drip lines; Heaviest elements and fission; Experimental developments and applications; Radioactive ion beam production.

IX Latin American Symposium on Nuclear Physics and Applications
18 Jul 2011 → 22 Jul 2011; Quito, Ecuador
topics: Nuclear Structure and Reactions, Nuclear and Particle Astrophysics, Cosmic Rays, Hadron Structure and Phases of Nuclear Matter, Tests of Fundamental Symmetries and Properties of Neutrinos, Nuclear Instrumentation and Facilities: Radiation Detectors and Sources, and Applications in Medicine (Biomedical Imaging, Radiotherapy), Art/Archeology, Energy, Space and International Security.

PANIC2011 — 19th Particles and Nuclei International Conference
24 Jul 2011 → 29 Jul 2011; Cambridge, MA, United States

Rutherford Centennial Conference on Nuclear Physics
08 Aug 2011 → 12 Aug 2011; Manchester, United Kingdom
abstract: We are pleased to announce that we will be holding a large international conference on nuclear physics at the University of Manchester in Aug 2011 to celebrate the centenary of the publication of Rutherford’s paper describing the discovery of the atomic nucleus. The conference will mark one hundred years of the atomic nucleus by addressing the wide range of current topics characterising modern nuclear physics, including nuclear structure and astrophysics, hadron structure and spectroscopy, weak interactions and relativistic heavy-ion collisions. topics: nuclear physics, nuclear structure, nuclear astrophysics, hadron structure and spectroscopy, weak interactions, relativistic heavy-ion collisions.

DCEN2011 — YIPQS Long-term workshop on Dynamics and Correlations in Exotic Nuclei
20 Sep 2011 → 28 Nov 2011; Kyoto, Japan
topics: Universal descriptions of nuclear structure: from bare-force approaches to density functionals; Many-body techniques for clustering, shape, shells and continuum; Nuclear reaction theories for exotic nuclei.

Frontier Issues in Physics of Exotic Nuclei (YKIS2011)
11 Oct 2011 → 15 Oct 2011; Yukawa Institute for Theoretical Physics, Kyoto Un, Japan

YKIS2011 — Symposium on Frontier Issues in Physics of Exotic Nuclei
11 Nov 2011 → 15 Nov 2011; Kyoto, Japan

05 Jan 2010 → 08 Jan 2010; Hacienda Cocoyoc, Morelos, Mexico
topics: NNuclear structure and reactions, radioactive beams, neutron physics, nuclear astrophysics, hadron physics

Niigata2010 — International Symposium Forefront of Researches in Exotic Nuclear Structures
01 Mar 2010 → 04 Mar 2010; Niigata, Japan
topics: Di-neutron correlation and cluster correlation; Clustering and shell evolution with tensor interaction; Astrophysical nuclear reactions; Exotic structures: halo, anomaly of collective motion, etc.; Deformation and collective motions; Ab-initio calculations for nuclear structure and reactions; Super heavy elements; Physics for resonances and continuum states.
19 Apr 2010 → 21 Apr 2010; Edinburgh, United Kingdom
abstract: The UK Institute of Physics Nuclear Physics Conference will take place in Edinburgh 19 - 21 April 2010. The Conference will feature plenary and parallel oral contributions as well as a poster session.
19 Apr 2010 → 21 Apr 2010; Edinburgh, United Kingdom
abstract: The UK Institute of Physics Nuclear Physics Conference will take place in Edinburgh 19 - 21 April 2010. The Conference will feature plenary and parallel oral contributions as well as a poster session.
Nuclear Physics with Modern Magnetic Spectrometers
14 Dec 2010 → 16 Dec 2010; Catania, Italy
28 Sep 2009 → 02 Oct 2009; Sochi, Russia
abstract: The Fifth International Symposium on Exotic Nuclei (EXON-2009) is scheduled for the last decade of September, 2009. The organizers of the Symposium are the FLNR JINR (Dubna), GANIL(Caen), RIKEN (Wako-shi), GSI (Darmstadt),– the scientific centers, where exotics nuclei have been intensively studied. The Symposium will be devoted to the investigation of nuclei in extreme states and, in particular, at the limits of nuclear stability (from very light neutron- and proton-rich up to superheavy nuclei).
topics: light exotic nuclei, neutron drip-line, proton drip line, radioactive beam, Superheavy elements, rare processes and nuclear decay, experimental setup, experimenatl nuclear physics
DNP09 — 2009 Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Nuclear Physics
13 Oct 2009 → 17 Oct 2009; Waikoloa, HI, United States

CNR 09 — 2nd International Workshop on Compound Nuclear Reactions and Related Topics
05 Nov 2009 → 08 Nov 2009; Bordeaux, France
topics: Nuclear reaction mechanisms; Optical model; Direct reactions and compound nucleus formation; Pre-equilibrium reactions; Neutron-induced cross section measurements; Surrogate reactions; Decay of the compound nucleus Hauser-Feshbach statistical model (limits and possible extensions); Fission; Particle and gamma ray emission; Level densities; Strength functions; Nuclear structure information for compound-nuclear reaction descriptions; Applications Nuclear energy; Astrophysics; Nuclear fusion; etc.

VIII Latin American Symposium on Nuclear Physics and Applications
15 Dec 2009 → 19 Dec 2009; Santiago de Chile, Chile
topics: Nuclear Structure and Reactions; Nuclear and Particle Astrophysics; The study of matter and the strong force in the framework of QCD; Tests of fundamental symmetries and the properties of neutrinos; Applications of nuclear physics in medicine, art/archeology, energy, and national security; Advances in Nuclear Instrumentation and Facilities.

 16 Dec 2009 → 19 Dec 2009; Tallahassee, Florida, United States
abstract: The international nuclear physics workshop on Direct Reactions with Exotic Beams (DREB2009) will be held on the main campus of Florida State University in December of 2009. This will be the sixth of a series of workshops initiated by researchers from MSU, FSU and Orsay. The earlier meetings were held in 1999 at Michigan State University (USA), in 2001 at IPN Orsay (France), in 2003 at the University of Surrey (England), in 2005 at Michigan State University (USA), and in 2007 at RIKEN (Japan). We intend to keep the informal character that has been a tradition with the DREB meetings, allowing for a low cost fee to attract many students. DREB aims at presenting the latest in the field and stimulating fruitful discussions. Thus the list of talks will be selected from the submitted abstracts only.
topics: Elastic and inelastic scattering and varieties of nuclear responses, breakup reactions and exotic correlation, proton/neutron distribution in nuclei, nucleon knockout/transfer reactions, single particle structure in asymmetric fields, recent reaction theories and effective interaction at the extremes of nuclear stability, interplay between reaction and structure theories, resonance scattering in inverse kinematics, sub- and near-barrier fusion with exotic nuclei, nuclear astrophysics studied by reactions with exotic nuclei, recent and future developments in experimental and computational methods

International Symposium on Nuclear Physics - Mumbai - India.
8 -12 December 2009, Mumbai, India
abstract: DEA-BRNS symposia covering frontline areas in Nuclear Physics are conducted annually. This year the Symposium is beeing organised as International Symposium on Nuclear Physics.




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