The high precision measurement of PB-208+PB-208 Mott Scattering at energies under the Coulomb Barrier – The observation of new atomic effects
Lépine-Szily A, Casandjian J M, Mittig W, Villari A C C, Lichtenthäler R, Auger G, Bianchi L, Beunard R, Brandan M E, Ciffre J L, Cunsolo A, Foti A, Gaudard L, Menchaca-Rocha A, Orr N A, Plagnol E, Schutz Y, Siemssen R H, Wieleczko J P
Lépine-Szily A, Casandjian J M, Mittig W, Villari A C C, Lichtenthäler R, Auger G, Bianchi L, Beunard R, Brandan M E, Ciffre J L, Cunsolo A, Foti A, Gaudard L, Menchaca-Rocha A, Orr N A, Plagnol E, Schutz Y, Siemssen R H, Wieleczko J P
Conferencia Internacional "Nucleus-Nucleus Collisions" junho 1994, Taormina, Itália
Nuclear Physics A 583 (1995) 263-267c
Nuclear Physics A 583 (1995) 263-267c
Search for double Gamow-Teller strength by heavy-ion double-charge-exchange"
Blomgren J, Lindh K, Anantaraman N, Austin Sm, Berg Gpa, Brown Ba, Casandjian Jm, Chartier M, Cortinagil Md, Fortier S, Hellstrom M, Jongman Jr, Kelley Jh, Lépine Szily A, Lhenry I, Maccormick M, Mittig W, Nilsson J, Olsson N, Orr Na, Ramakrishnan E, Rousselchomaz P, Sherrill Bm, Tegner Pe, Winfield Js, Winger Ja
Physics Letters B 362 (1995): 34-38
Blomgren J, Lindh K, Anantaraman N, Austin Sm, Berg Gpa, Brown Ba, Casandjian Jm, Chartier M, Cortinagil Md, Fortier S, Hellstrom M, Jongman Jr, Kelley Jh, Lépine Szily A, Lhenry I, Maccormick M, Mittig W, Nilsson J, Olsson N, Orr Na, Ramakrishnan E, Rousselchomaz P, Sherrill Bm, Tegner Pe, Winfield Js, Winger Ja
Physics Letters B 362 (1995): 34-38
Experimental investigation of the ion-ion potential for the O-16+Ni-60 system at large interaction distances”
Chamon Lc, Pereira D, Rossi Es, Lichtenthäler R, Gomes Lc, Silva Cp
Nuclear Physics A 582 (1995) 305-313
Chamon Lc, Pereira D, Rossi Es, Lichtenthäler R, Gomes Lc, Silva Cp
Nuclear Physics A 582 (1995) 305-313
Elastic-Scattering, Inelastic-Scattering And Charge-Exchange Reaction Studies With He-6, Be-10,Be-11 Secondary Beams"
Cortinagil Md, Rousselchomaz P, Alamanos N, Auger F, Barrette J, Blumenfeld Y, Casandjian Jm, Chartier M, Fekouyoumbi V, Fernandez B, Frascaria N, Gillibert A, Laurent H, Lépine A, Mittig W, Orr Na, Pascalon V,Scarpaci Ja,Sida Jl,SuomijarviT
Cortinagil Md, Rousselchomaz P, Alamanos N, Auger F, Barrette J, Blumenfeld Y, Casandjian Jm, Chartier M, Fekouyoumbi V, Fernandez B, Frascaria N, Gillibert A, Laurent H, Lépine A, Mittig W, Orr Na, Pascalon V,Scarpaci Ja,Sida Jl,SuomijarviT
Conferencia Internacional "Nucleus-Nucleus Collisions" junho 1994, Taormina, Itália
Nuclear Physics A 583 (1995) 787-790
Nuclear Physics A 583 (1995) 787-790
Sub-Coulomb Fusion With Halo Nuclei"
Fekouyoumbi V, Sida Jl, Alamanos N, Auger F, Bazin D, Borcea C, Cabot C, Cunsolo A, Foti A, Gillibert A, Lépine A, Lewitowicz M, Liguorineto R, Mittig W, Pollacco E, Rousselchomaz P, Volant C, Feng Yy
Conferencia Internacional "Nucleus-Nucleus Collisions" junho 1994, Taormina, Itália
Nuclear Physics A 583 (1995) 811-816
Fekouyoumbi V, Sida Jl, Alamanos N, Auger F, Bazin D, Borcea C, Cabot C, Cunsolo A, Foti A, Gillibert A, Lépine A, Lewitowicz M, Liguorineto R, Mittig W, Pollacco E, Rousselchomaz P, Volant C, Feng Yy
Conferencia Internacional "Nucleus-Nucleus Collisions" junho 1994, Taormina, Itália
Nuclear Physics A 583 (1995) 811-816
Radioactive Ion-Beams At Spiral"
Villari Acc, Angelique Jc, Blank B, Clapier F, Deligne Jm, Ducourtieux M, Foury P, Joubert A, Lecesne N, Lépine A, Leroy R, Lewitowicz M, Liang Cf, Mandin J, Marry C, Maunoury L, Mercier J, Obert J, Orr Na, Pacquet Jy, Paris P, Potier Jc, Proust J, Putaux Jc, Robert E, Saintlaurent Mg, Sortais P, Lieuvin M
Nuclear Physics A 588 (1995): C267-C272