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Publicações 2001

Experimental overview of mass measurements
Lépine-Szily A
Tutorial talk at Atomic Physics at Accelerators: Mass Spectrometry 19-23 set.2000 Cargese, France,
Hyperfine Interactions 132, (2001) 35-57.
Sub-barrier fusion with the 6He halo nucleus.
Sida JL, Alamanos N, Daniel C, Lapoux V, Trotta M, Andreyev A, Auger F, Balabanski DL, Borcea C, Coulier N, Drouart A, Durand DJC, Georgiev G, Gillibert A, Hinnefeld JD, Huyse M, Jouanne C, Lépine A, Lumbroso A, Marie F, Musumarra A, Neyens G, Ottini S, Raabe R, Ternier S, Van Duppen P,Vyvey K, Volant C, Wolski R.
International Conference Nucleus-Nucleus Collisions NN2000, 3-7 july,2000, Strasbourg,France 
Nuclear Physics A 685 (2001) 51C-59C.
The mass programme at GANIL using the CSS2 and CIME cyclotrons.
Chartier M, Mittig W, Auger G, Blank B, Casandjian J M, Chabert M, Ferme J, Fifield L K, Gillibert A, Lalleman A S, Lépine-Szily A, Lewitowicz M, Mac Cormick M, Moscatello M H, De Oliveira F, Orr N A, Politi G, Sarazin F, Savajols H, Spitaels C, Van Isacker P, Villari A C C, Wiescher M.
Atomic Physics at Accelerators: Mass Spectrometry 19-23 set.2000 Cargese, France,
Hyperfine Interactions 132, (2001) 275-281.
Mass measurements of exotic nuclei around N = Z = 40 with CSS2.
Lalleman A S, Auger G, Mittig W, Chabert M, Chartier M, Ferme J, Gillibert A, Lépine-Szily A, Lewitowicz Moscatello M H, Orr N A, Politi G, Sarazin F, Savajols H, Van Isacker P, Villari A C C.
Atomic Physics at Accelerators: Mass Spectrometry 19-23 set.2000 Cargese, France,
Hyperfine Interactions 132, (2001) 315-322.
Quadrupole moments of high-spin isomers: Test of the tilted-axis cranking model
Balabanski DL, Vyvey K, Neyens G, Almehed D, Blaha P, Borremans D, Chmel S, Coulier N, Coussement R, De Clercq W, Frauendorf S, Georgiev G, Hubel H, Lépine-Szily A, Mineva M, Nenoff N, Pancholi S,  Rossbach D, Schwengner R, Teughels S, Walker PM.
Acta Physica Polonica B 32, (2001) 2655-2660.
Proton scattering from the unstable nuclei S-30 and Ar-34: structural evolution along the sulfur and argon isotopic chains
Khan E, Suomijarvi T, Blumenfeld Y, Van Giai N, Alamanos N, Auger F, Bauge E, Beaumel D, Delaroche JP, Delbourgo-Salvador P, Drouart A, Fortier S, Frascaria N, Gillibert A, Girod M, Jouanne C, Kemper KW, Lagoyannis A, Lapoux V, Lépine-Szily A, Lhenry I, Libert J, Marechal F, Maison JM, Musumarra A, Ottini-Hustache S, Piattelli P, Pita S, Pollacco EC, Roussel-Chomaz P, Santonocito D, Sauvestre JE, Scarpaci JA, Zerguerras T.
Nuclear Physics A 694, (2001) 103-131
Electric and nuclear transition strength in 30Mg,32Mg
Chiste V, Gillibert A, Lépine-Szily A, Alamanos N, Auger F, Barrette J, Braga F, Cortina-Gil M D, Dlouhy Z, Lapoux V, Lewitowicz M, Lichtenthäler R, Neto RL, Lukyanov S M, MacCormick M, Marie F, Mittig  W, Santos F D, Orr N A, Ostrowski A N, Ottini S, Pakou A, Penionzhkevich Y E, Roussel-Chomaz P, Sida J L.
Physics Letters B 514, (2001) 233-239. 
A determination of the 6He+p interaction potential”
de Vismes A, Roussel-Chomaz P, Mittig W, Pakou A, Alamanos N, Auger F, Angelique J C, Barrette J, Belozyorov A V, Borcea C, Catford W N, Cortina-Gil M D, Dlouhy Z, Gillibert A, Lapoux V, Lépine-Szily A, Lukyanov SM, Marie F, Musumarra A, de Oliveira F, Orr N A, Ottini-Hustache S, Penionzhkevich YE, Sarazin F, Savajols H, Skobelev N.
Physics Letters B 505, (2001) 15-20.
Measurement of charge, massdeformation of 30,32Mg by inelastic scattering on 208Pb and 12C
Chiste V, Gillibert A, Lépine-Szily A, Alamanos N, Auger F, Barrette J, Braga F, Cortina-Gil M D, Dlouhy Z, Lapoux V, Lewitowicz M, Lichtenthäler R, Neto RL, Lukyanov S M, MacCormick M, Marie F, Mittig W, Santos F D, Orr N A, Ostrowski A N, Ottini S, Pakou A, Penionzhkevich Y E, Roussel-Chomaz P, Sida J L.
Conference on Nuclear Structure 2000 (NS2000) 15-19 aug.2000, East Lansing MI,EUA
Nuclear Physics A 682, (2001) 161C-168C. 

Measurement of a strong atomic hyperfine field allowing the determination of nuclear g-factors in(sub)nanosecond states
Vyvey K, Neyens G, Cottenier S,Balabanski DL,Coulier N,Coussement R, Georgiev G, Lépine-Szily A, Ternier S,Teughels S.
Nuclear Instruments and Methods A 462, (2001) 588-595.
Static quadrupole moment of the five-quasiparticle K=35/2 isomer in 179W studied with the level-mixing spectroscopy method”
Balabanski DL, Vyvey K, Neyens G, Coulier N, Coussement R, Georgiev G, Lépine-Szily A, Ternier S, Teughels S, Mineva M, Walker PM, Blaha P, Almehed D, Frauendorf S.
Physical Review Letters 86, (2001) 604-607 
Temperature simulations of high power graphite targets for heavy ions
Maunoury L, Bajeat O, Landre-Pellemoine F, Lichtenthäler R, Villari ACC.
Nuclear Instruments and Methods B 184, (2001) 441-449. 
Breakup of 8B at sub-Coulomb energies.
J. J. Kolata, V. Guimarães, D. Peterson, P. Santi, R. H. White-Stevens and S. M. Vincent, F. D. Becchetti, M. Y. Lee, T. W. O'Donnell, D. A. Roberts and J. A. Zimmerman.
Physical Review C 63, 24616 (2001).



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