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Publicações 2003

Spectroscopy of light proton-rich unbound nuclei: 15F, 10,11N. 
A. Lépine-Szily, J. M. Oliveira, D. Galante, G. Amadio, V. Vanin, R. Lichtenthäler, V. Guimaraes, G. F. Lima, H. G. Bohlen, A. N. Ostrowski, A. Di Pietro, A. M. Laird, L. Maunoury, F. de Oliveira Santos, P. Roussel-Chomaz, H. Savajols, W. Trinder, A. C. C. Villari, A. de Vismes.
Symposium on Physics of Unstable Nuclei (ISPUN 02) Halong Bay, Vietnam, 20-25Nov. 2002
Nuclear Physics A722, (2003) 512-517c.

Progress in RIBRAS:Radioactive Ion beams in Brasil Project
R. Lichtenthäler, A. Lépine-Szily, V. Guimaraes, G. F. Lima, M. S. Hussein.
XXV Workshop on Nuclear Physics in Brazil, 
Brazilian Journal of Physics 33, (2003) 294-296c.
Searching for resonances in the unbound 6Be and 5Li nuclei.
V. Guimaraes, R. Kuramoto, R. Lichtenthäler, G. Amadio, E. Benjamim, P. N. de Faria, A. Lépine-Szily, G. F. Lima, J. J. Kolata, G. Rogachev, F. D. Becchetti, T. O'Donnell, Y. Chen, J. Hinnefeld, J. Lapton.
Intern. Symposium on Physics of Unstable Nuclei (ISPUN 02) Halong Bay, Vietnam, 20-25 Nov. 2002 
Nuclear Physics A722, (2003) 341-346c. 
Progress in RIBRAS Radiactive Ion Beams in Brasil Project
R. Lichtenthäler, A. Lépine-Szily, V. Guimaraes, G. F. Lima, M. S. Hussein.
X Symposium on Radiation Measurements and Applications,Ann Arbor, MI, USA,21-23 May 2002
Nuclear Instruments. and Methods. A505 (2003) 612-615c.
Experimental determination of the 6He exotic nucleus density in the surface region.
L. R. Gasquez, L. C. Chamon, D. Pereira, V. Guimaraes, A. Lépine-Szily, M. A. Alvares, E. S. Rossi Jr.C.P.Silva, B.V.Carlson, J.J Kolata, L Lamm, D.Peterson, P Santi, S Vincent, P A De Young, G. Peasley.
Physical Review C 67, (2003) 024602.




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