Graduate Studies Program Calendar


ADMISSION CALENDAR (for those applying to the graduate studies program; for current IFUSP master's students who wish to pursue a Ph.D degree)

GENERAL ACTIVITIES CALENDAR (for current enrolled IFUSP students)

IMPORTANT: dates in red indicate changes from those initially made public.



Registrations for EUF (Unified Exam for Admission to Graduate Studies in Physics): from 06/03/2024 (day/month/year)

Exam date: 30/04/2024

Official results on EUF website: 23/05/2024

Registrations for admission to the graduate studies program at IFUSP (which usually occurs before the EUF results are released): from 13/05 to 02/06/2024

Publication of the scholarship ranking list for the 2nd semester of 2024: 04/07/2024

Deadlines for t
hesis/dissertation submissions/deposits - as well as their defenses - for IFUSP master's students who aim to guarantee their classification for a scholarship: deposits due by 23/08/2024; defenses due by 04/10/2024

Enrollments of new master and Ph.D students: from 01/07 to 09/08/2024. Refer to the Graduate Student Survival Guide.


Enrollments of special students: from 01 to 12/07/2024.


Deadline for submitting the activity reports through the following online form (check if your name appears on the list posted on página inicial): from 08 to 15/07/2024

Mandatory re-enrollment (Janus) for the second semester of 2024 (regularly enrolled students): from 01 to 07/07/2024

Deadline for Master's students to deposit their thesis and defend them within2024yet to be defined

Deadline for Ph.D students to deposit their dissertations and defend them within 2024: yet to be defined

Final deadline for defenses in 2024: yet to be defined

Start of the second semester classes: 12/08/2024

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