
The Graduate Program in Physics requires students to have full-time commitment. The majority of our students have their studies supported by (Master’s, Ph.D and Direct Ph.D) scholarships granted by Brazilian funding institutions, such as FAPESP, CNPq and CAPES, or by international programs or agencies, such as CLAF and TWAS.
FAPESP grants are distributed directly to advisors according to the Foundation’s own criteria and timetable. A number of CNPq scholarships and all CAPES scholarships are under the responsibility of our Program, which receives the applications and establishes the priority of allocation. The number of available grants varies each semester.

1. Applicants who wish to apply for one of the CAPES or CNPq scholarships allotted by the Graduate Committee must inform it while filling the online application out.

2. Regarding the classification for scholarships, the following grades are taken into account: the grade achieved in the entrance examination (“EUF”) taken by the applicant (which corresponds to a maximum of 6.0 on a weighted average evaluation), and a grade given by the Graduate Committee after an overall evaluation of the applicant's academic transcript, curriculum and recommendation letters (which corresponds to a maximum of 4.0 on a weighted average evaluation).

3. The final classification for scholarships will be published online before the enrollment period, according to the dates informed in Calendars. The result will be published in the main page and here.

4. Duration and values of students aids: in the Master's degree, CAPES and CNPq pay R$ 2,100 (two thousand one hundred reais) during 24 months; in the Ph.D course, both agencies pay R$ 3,100 (three thousand one hundred reais) during 48 months. For CNPq PhD fellows, a bench fee of R$ 472,80 (four hundred and seventy two reais and eighty cents) is also deposited to cover expenses related to the development of academic programming, research and thesis project - but can’t be spent without the advisor’s consent.

5. To start receiving the scholarship payments, the student must open a checking account at Banco do Brasil and update what we call Currículo Lattes.

6. Every grantee must sign commitment terms regarding the maintenance of their scholarship. When you receive the information that you have been awarded a CAPES or CNPq scholarship, please contact the Graduate Department to withdraw them.

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