Todas Notícias

Semiclassical analysis of the Schrödinger equation with conical potentials

terça-feira, 27 Fevereiro, 2018 - 11:00
Victor Chabu (Instituto de Física da USP)

In this talk we will study the behaviour of the Wigner measures of solutions to the Schrödinger equation with potentials presenting conical singularities. These measures are related to the concentration of the solutions in the limit where a parameter in the equation (e.g. the Planck's constant) goes sufficiently small, and represent a mass density over the phase space, which may be a classical particle or a continuum of mass. The situation becomes particularly interesting with conical singularities, since they give rise to problems of non-unicity in the Hamiltonian flows that ultimately dismiss the existence of any selection principle allowing one to study the measures' time evolution within a pure classical framework.

Local: Sala Jayme Tiomno

Could dark matter consist of primordial black holes?

quarta-feira, 21 Março, 2018 - 14:00
Prof. M. Coleman Miller (University of Maryland)

Cosmological observations indicate that the current universe is roughly 69% dark energy, 26% dark matter, and 5% ordinary matter. Dark matter is usually assumed to be some type of elementary particle, but the lack of direct evidence for such a particle has inspired some researchers to look for other possibilities. One prospect, which has received renewed interest due to the discoveries of black hole mergers with LIGO and Virgo, is that dark matter could mainly be primordial black holes. In this talk, I will discuss why black holes could theoretically operate as dark matter, and then examine the existing limits on primordial black holes of different masses. This is a topic that brings in an unusually rich variety of arguments from astronomy and physics, with prospects for continued improvement with more gravitational wave discoveries.

Local: Sala Jayme Tiomno


Eleição para escolha do Chefe e do Vice-Chefe do Departamento de Física Matemática

              Prezados(as) Senhores(as):

Segue abaixo a lista de chapas inscritas para a escolha do Chefe e 
Vice-Chefe do Departamento de Física Matemática, cuja eleição será 
realizada no dia 13.03.2018, na sala 300, localizada no Edifício 
Principal, Ala Central, das 09h às 15h:

Chapa:  Candidato a Chefe: Gustavo Alberto Burdman
         Candidato a Vice-Chefe: Oscar José Pinto Éboli

Viscous hydrodynamics of strongly-interacting QCD medium, as probed by dileptons

sexta-feira, 16 Fevereiro, 2018 - 11:00
Dr. Gojko Vujanovic (The Ohio State University)

Recent viscous hydrodynamical studies [1,2] of the strongly-interacting medium created at the Relativistic Heavy-Ion Collider (RHIC) and the Large Hadron Collider (LHC), show that bulk viscosity plays an important role in their phenomenological description. A temperature-dependent bulk viscosity in the hydrodynamical evolution of the medium can modify the development of the hydrodynamic momentum anisotropy differently in the high- and low-temperature regions. Thus, anisotropic flow coefficients of various observables are affected differently depending where their surface of last scattering lies. For the case of hadronic observables, they are predominantly sensitive to low temperature regions, while electromagnetic radiation is emitted at all temperatures. Therefore, bulk viscosity should affect electromagnetic radiation differently than hadron emission. The effects of bulk viscosity on one of the electromagnetic probes, namely photons, has already been investigated [1]. The same statement holds true for hadrons [2]. The goal of this presentation is to study how thermal dilepton production, the other source of electromagnetic radiation, gets modified owing to the presence of bulk viscosity at RHIC and LHC energies. With calculations at different collision energies, comparisons in the dilepton signal can be made and more robust conclusions regarding the role of bulk viscosity in high energy heavy-ion collisions can be drawn. Dilepton radiation from the dilute hadronic phase of the medium will also be included to ascertain whether these modifications may be observable in experimental data.

[1] Jean-François Paquet et al., Phys. Rev. C 93 no. 4, 044906 (2016)
[2] S. Ryu et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 115 no. 13, 132301 (2015)


(Local: Sala Jayme Tiomno)

Quantum Mechanics Without Wavefunctions

terça-feira, 6 Fevereiro, 2018 - 11:00
Prof. Bill Poirier (Texas Tech University)

This talk addresses a new formulation of quantum mechanics in which the wavefunction Ψ(t, x) is discarded entirely. Instead, the quantum state is represented as an ensemble of quantum trajectories x(t, C), or “worlds.” Each of these worlds has well-defined real- valued particle positions and momenta, and is thereby classical-like. Unlike a classical ensemble, however, nearby trajectories/worlds can interact with each other dynamically, giving rise to quantum effects. Moreover, x(t, C) satisfies a trajectory-based action principle, which allows quantum theory (via the Euler-Lagrange equation and Noether’s theorem) to be placed on the same footing as classical theories. In this manner, a straightforward relativistic generalization can be obtained. These and other developments, e.g. for many dimensions, multiple particles, and spin, may also be discussed.

(Local: Sala Jayme Tiomno)

Testando a isotropia do Universo com a estrutura em grande escala cosmológica

terça-feira, 28 Novembro, 2017 - 11:00
Dr. Carlos Bengaly, University of Western Cape

O modelo padrão atual da Cosmologia, ΛCDM, tem o Princípio Cosmológico (PC) como uma de suas hipóteses fundamentais, de modo que a métrica de fundo do Universo consiste na métrica Friedman-Lemaître-Robertson-Walker (FLRW). Assim, assume-se que o Universo é isotrópico e homogêneo em grandes escalas. Apesar do bom acordo entre o modelo ΛCDM (bem como demais modelos FLRW) e as observações cosmológicas, testes diretos do PC ainda precisam ser realizados para verificar se, de fato, o PC é uma hipótese válida ou tão apenas uma simplificação matemática.

Neste seminário, apresentarei um teste da isotropia cosmológica que fez uso da distribuição angular de galáxias da amostra WISE x SuperCOSMOS (WISC). Mais precisamente, verificamos se o dipolo desta distribuição está de acordo com análises anteriores na literatura, e de acordo com a amplitude típica de simulações baseadas no modelo ΛCDM. Além disto, discutirei brevemente sobre uma análise similar realizada recentemente com fontes em rádio, além das expectativas que surveys futuros, como o Square Kilometer Array (SKA), poderiam lançar sobre a isotropia cosmológica.

Referência dos trabalhos: e O modelo padrão atual da Cosmologia, ΛCDM, tem o Princípio Cosmológico (PC) como uma de suas hipóteses fundamentais, de modo que a métrica de fundo do Universo consiste na métrica Friedman-Lemaître-Robertson-Walker (FLRW). Assim, assume-se que o Universo é isotrópico e homogêneo em grandes escalas. Apesar do bom acordo entre o modelo ΛCDM (bem como demais modelos FLRW) e as observações cosmológicas, testes diretos do PC ainda precisam ser realizados para verificar se, de fato, o PC é uma hipótese válida ou tão apenas uma simplificação matemática.

Neste seminário, apresentarei um teste da isotropia cosmológica que fez uso da distribuição angular de galáxias da amostra WISE x SuperCOSMOS (WISC). Mais precisamente, verificamos se o dipolo desta distribuição está de acordo com análises anteriores na literatura, e de acordo com a amplitude típica de simulações baseadas no modelo ΛCDM. Além disto, discutirei brevemente sobre uma análise similar realizada recentemente com fontes em rádio, além das expectativas que surveys futuros, como o Square Kilometer Array (SKA), poderiam lançar sobre a isotropia cosmológica.

Referência dos trabalhos: e

Wavepackets on de Sitter spacetime: first step towards a Haag-Ruelle scattering theory

terça-feira, 21 Novembro, 2017 - 11:00
Dr. Marcus Brum, Instituto de Física da USP

In this colloquium, we want to present the first steps of the formulation of a scattering theory on a curved spacetime, in the Haag-Ruelle approach. This approach determines the S-matrix without specifying a particular interaction, it is rather based on the asymptotic behaviour of massive solutions of the wave equation, which can be estimated with great generality. We will show the construction of wavepackets on de Sitter spacetime, whose masses are consistently defined from the structure of the Lorentz algebra, and estimate its asymptotic behaviour. Furthermore, we show that, in the limit as the de Sitter radius tends to infinity, the wavepackets tend to the wavepackets of Minkowski spacetime and the plane waves arising after contraction have support sharply located on the mass shell. We will also show how to construct (scalar) field operators from these wavepackets. Besides, we will argue that the equilibrium state is not a thermal state, thus avoiding known issues of scattering theory at finite temperatures, and we will discuss possible interpretations of the in- and out-states.


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