Recent News !

18-22 May 2025: Our group will participate in the Autumn Meeting of the Brazilian Physical Society (EOSBF 2025) in Belém, PA.


16-21 March 2025: We will present our results in van der Waals minerals at the Joint March Meeting and April Meeting — referred to as the APS Global Physics Summit in Anaheim, CA.

6 March 2025: Our paper was selected as Highlight in Physics (Destaque em Física) of the Brazilian Physical Society. See also the advertisement from IFUSP and DFMT.  


19 February 2025: Read our new paper! in npj 2D Mater Appl 9, 16 (2025).

18 February 2025: Felix presented a talk at the IFUSP Summer School about terahertz science. See here the recording (in portuguese).

11 February 2025: Our new paper that describes the terahertz polarization control in van der Waals minerals was accepted for publication in npj 2D Materials and Applications

22 January 2025: Our paper reporting "Terahertz Cavity Phonon Polaritons in Lead Telluride in the Deep-Strong Coupling Regime" is posted in the arXiv:2501.10856

21-22 November 2024: Felix presented an invited talk at the IV Workshop of Experimental Physics in the Institute of Physics and Chemistry of Federal University of Itajubá (UNIFEI).

11-15 November 2024: Our new amplified laser was installed ! We will now begin the construction of an OPTP setup.

30 September 2024: Access our new paper!  "Shaping terahertz waves using anisotropic shear modes in a van der Waals mineral" is online at arXiv:2409.18933.

29 September - 03 October 2024: Our group participated in the annual meeting of the Brazilian Materials Research Society (B-MRS / SBPMat) in Santos, SP.

16-20 September 2024: Felix presented an invited talk at the 25th International Conference on High Magnetic Fields in Semiconductor Physics (HMF-25) in Warsaw, Poland.

09 September 2024: Fernanda and Laura received new scholarships from PUB-USP to continue their research work in the group. Three new students, Guilherme, Pedro Luka and Gabriel, are joining the group with PIBIC, PIBITI-CNPq and PUB scholarships. 

02-06 September 2024: Felix presented an invited talk at the 21st Brazilian Workshop on Semiconductor Physics (BWSP-21) in Campinas, SP. Nicolas and Eduardo also presented their results.

30 August 2024: Our new multi-user facility was approved by FAPESP in the EMU-PMP 2023 Call granting the "Acquisition of a Fast, Versatile and Compact Time-Domain Terahertz Platform for Spectroscopy and Imaging Applications".

11 June 2024: Eduardo and Nicolas received awards at the 3rd Symposium of the Physics Graduate Program. Eduardo for the accomplishments in his first year as MSc student and Nicolas for the development of a THz spectrometer in his PhD thesis.

19-23 May 2024: All our group will presented posters and lectures at the Autumn Meeting of the Brazilian Physical Society (EOSBF-2024) in Florianópolis. 

06 May 2024: Erick and Giuliano granted scholarships for Science Journalism from FAPESP and Fundação Roberto Marinho. 

03 May 2024: Our new paper has been published online in the 1 May 2024 issue of Physical Review Research (Vol. 6, No. 2).

11 April 2024: Felix presented an invited talk at the graduate program in physics of the Universidade Federal de Uberlândia. View Recording.

02 April 2024: Our paper "Interaction-controlled transport in a two-dimensional massless-massive Dirac system: Transition from degenerate to nondegenerate regime" was accepted for publication in Phys. Rev. Research.

03-08 March 2024: Felix presented an invited talk at the APS March Meeting in Minneapolis USA, Symposium Chiral Phonons in Quantum Materials session 15.00.00 (Invitation Only) of Nonequilibrium Quantum Physics (DCMP). View Recording.

22 February 2024: Felix gave a lecture at the IFUSP Summer Course. Here is the recording: As propriedades peculiares dos materiais quânticos.

19-23 February 2024: Eduardo won 1st place in the best poster category for the exceptional presentation entitled "Terahertz generation by photoconductive antennas and femtosecond laser for THz-TDS", at the UFPR/UTFPR 2024 School of Photonics.

15 December 2023: "Observation of interplay between phonon chirality and electronic band topology" was published in Science Advances. Read the press release in Agência FAPESP (portuguese) and in Rice News (english).

14 December 2023: A new thematic grant from FAPESP was approved with Felix as a PI. We will built a new THz-TDS setup with low temperature, high magnetic fields and high power of the THz pulses.

8 December 2023: Representatives of the University of Pécs and the Consulate of Hungary visited our laboratory. 

5 December 2023: Daniel received a Poster Award and Eduardo an honorable mention at the International Summer School INFIERI series: "OXFORD 2013- USP 2023: 10 YEARS OF FOSTERING CROSS-DISCIPLINARITY”.

16-17 November 2023: Our research was presented at the III Workshop de Física Experimental da UNIFEI including 3 posters by Daniel, Eduardo and Nicolas, and an invited talk by Felix.

14 November 2023: Felix awarded the Brasil@Rice Faculty Travel Grant as a Visiting Professor within the Kono group at the Smalley-Curl Institute
09 November 2023: Our third paper in collaboration with the Kono group at Rice University was accepted in Science Advances.
27 October 2023: Felix presented an invited talk at UFSCar for the graduate program in physics.