
This research group is part of the Laboratory of New Semiconductor Materials (LNMS) at DFMT/IFUSP, led by Prof. Gennady Gusev
GCTI-THz members
Principal Investigator 
Prof. Dr. Felix G. G. Hernandez (Associate Professor 5.2 at IFUSP)  
Lattes CV            Google Scholar         ORCID          Biblioteca Virtual FAPESP
Postdoctoral researcher and Technical Support
- Dr. Nicolas Massarico Kawahala CV
Graduate students (Pós-graduação em Física - IFUSP)
- Eduardo Destefani Stefanato CV
- Gabriel Figueiredo de Freitas CV
- Tulio Leal de Carvalho CV
Undergraduate students (Graduação em Física - IFUSP)
- Fernanda Lopes da Costa CV
- Laura Oliveira Dias CV
- Lucas Tessarotto Roque CV
Undergraduate students -  Scholarship for Science Journalism (Comunicar Ciência - FAPESP)
- Erick Sutto Costa CV
- Giuliano Andrade Rodrigues Pepato CV
See here information of previous members and about Thesis and Dissertations at USP Digital Library
(Left) Eduardo, Laura, Gabriel and Fernanda visit CNPEM in December 2023. (Right) Eduardo won 1st place in the best poster category at the UFPR/UTFPR 2024 School of Photonics. 
(Left) Laura, Fernanda, Eduardo, Gabriel, Felix and Nicolas at EOSBF 2024 Florianópolis.  (Right) Eduardo and Nicolas received awards from the Physics Graduate Program 2024.