Abdalla, Élcio. Wang, Bin. Lima-Santos, A. Support of dS/CFT correspondence from pertubations of three dimensional spacetime. São Paulo, IFUSP, 2002. 7 p.
Abdalla, Élcio. Casali, Adenauer. Cuadros-Melgar, Bertha. Shortcuts for graviton propagation in a six dimensional brane world model. São Paulo, IFUSP, 2002. 29 p.
Abdalla, Élcio. Casali, Adenauer Girardi. Shortcuts in a dynamical universe and the horizon problem. São Paulo, IFUSP, 2002. 21 p.
Abdalla, Élcio. Castello Branco, Karlúcio Heleno Castro. Lima-Santos, A. Support of dS/CFT correspondence from space-time perturbations. São Paulo, IFUSP, 2002. 22 p.
Abdalla, Élcio. Cuadros-Melgar, Bertha. Shortcuts in domain walls and the horizon problem. São Paulo, IFUSP, 2002. 22 p.
Abdalla, Élcio. Correa-Borbonte, L Alejandro. The elliptic solutions to the Friedmann equation and the Verlinde s maps.São Paulo, IFUSP, 2002. 9 p.
Abdullaev, F Kh. Gammal, Arnaldo. Tomio, Lauro. Dynamics of bright matter-wave solitons in inhomogeneous cigar-type Bose-Einstein condensate. São Paulo, IFUSP, 2002. 8 p.
Alves, Alexandre. Éboli, Oscar José Pinto. Plehn, Tilman. Stop lepton associated production at hadron colliders. São Paulo, IFUSP, 2002. 10 p.
Bagrov, V G. Bulenok, V G. Jarovoi, A T. Gitman, Dmitri Maximovitch. Smirnov, A A. Tlyachev, V B. Jara, J A. Angular dependence of synchrotron radiation intensity. São Paulo, IFUSP, 2002. 11 p.
Bagrov, V G. Bulenok, V G. Gitman, Dmitri Maximovitch. Tlyachev, V B. Jara, J A. Jarovoi, A T. Angular dependence of synchrotron radiation intensity. São Paulo, IFUSP, 2002. 13 p.
Bagrov, V G. Gitman, Dmitri Maximovitch. Tlyachev, V B. Solutions of relativistic wave equations in superpositions of Aharonov-Bohm, magnetic, and electric fields. São Paulo, IFUSP, 2002. 39 p.
Barata, João Carlos Alves. Cortez, D A. Perturbative analysis of dynamical localization. São Paulo, IFUSP, 2002. 45 p.
Barata, João Carlos Alves. Cortez, D A. Time evolution of two-level systems driven by periodic fields. São Paulo, IFUSP, 2002. 11 p.
Brandt, Fernando Tadeu Caldeira. Das, Ashok. Frenkel, Josif. Classical transport equation in non-commutative QED at high temperature. São Paulo, IFUSP, 2002. 11 p.
Brandt, Fernando Tadeu Caldeira. Das, Ashok. Frenkel, Josif. Classical transport equation in non-cummutative QED at high temperature. São Paulo, IFUSP, 2002. 11 p.
Brandt, Fernando Tadeu Caldeira. Das, Ashok. Frenkel, J. Pereira, S. Taylor, J C. The static effective action for non-commutative QED at high temperature. São Paulo, IFUSP, 2002. 13 p.
Brandt, Fernando Tadeu Caldeira. Cuadros-Melgar, B. Machado, F R. Thermal one- and two-gravitation Green s functions in the temporal gauge. São Paulo, IFUSP, 2002. 14 p.
Brandt, Fernando Tadeu Caldeira. Das, Ashok. Frenkel, Josif. McKeon, D G C. Taylor, J C. Transport equation and hard thermal loops in noncommutative Yang-Mills theory. São Paulo, IFUSP, 2002. 10 p.
Chamon, Luiz Carlos. Carlson, B V. Gazques, L R. Pereira, Dirceu. Conti, C De. Gonzalez-Alvarez, Marcos Aurélio. Hussein, Mahir Saleh. Ribeiro, M A Candido (Departamento de Física, Instituto de Biociências, Letras e Ciências Exatas, Universidade Estadual Paulista-UNESP, São José do Rio Preto, SP, Brasil). Rossi Junior, E S. Silva, C P. Toward a global description of the nucleus-nucleus interaction. São Paulo, IFUSP, 2002. 24 p.
Chamon, Luiz Carlos. Carlson, B V. Gasques, L R. Pereira, Dirceu. De Conti, C. Gonzalez-Alvarez, Marcos Aurélio. Hussein, Mahir Saleh. Ribeiro, M A Cândido. Rossi Junior, Ernesto Silvio. Silva, C P. Toward a global description of the nucleus-nucleus interaction. São Paulo, IFUSP, 2002. 12 p.
Cruz-Barrios, Sara. Nemes, Maria Carolina. Stern-Gerlach entanglement in spinor Bose-Einsten condensates. São Paulo, IFUSP, 2002. 9 p.
Csorgo, T. Grassi, Frederique Marie Brigitte Sylvie. Hama, Yogiro. Kodama, Takeshi. Simple solutions of relativistic hydrodynamics for cylintrical symmetric systems. São Paulo, IFUSP, 2002. 10 p.
Csorgo, T. Grassi, Frederique Marie Brigitte Sylvie. Hama, Yogiro. Kodama, Takeshi. Simple solutions of relativistic hydrodynamics for longitudinally expanding systems. São Paulo, IFUSP, 2002. 12 p.
Das, Ashok. Frenkel, Josif. On the energy-momentum tensor in non-commutative gauge theories. São Paulo, IFUSP, 2002. 3 p.
Dickman, Ronald. Tomé, Tânia. Oliveira, Mário José de. Sandpiles with height restrictions. São Paulo, IFUSP, 2002. 10 p.
Dosch, H G. Ferreira, E M. Navarra, Fernando Silveira. Nielsen, Marina. Semileptonic D decay into scalar mesons a QCD sum rule approach. São Paulo, IFUSP, 2002. 18 p.
Durães, Francisco de Oliveira. Lee, Su Houng. Navarra, Fernando Silveira. Nielsen, Marina. J/psi dissociation by pions in QCD. São Paulo, IFUSP, 2002. 4 p.
Durães, Francisco de Oliveira. Navarra, Fernando Silveira. Nielsen, Marina. On the X IND.F distribution of J/psi s produced in heavy ion collisions. São Paulo, IFUSP, 2002. 17 p.
Durães, Francisco de Oliveira. Navarra, Fernando Silveira. Wilk, G. Extracting the Pomeron-Pomeron cross section from diffractive mass spectra. São Paulo, IFUSP, 2002. 20 p.
Durães, Francisco de Oliveira. Navarra, Fernando Silveira. Wilk, G. Leading particles and diffractive spectra in the interacting gluon model. São Paulo, IFUSP, 2002. 11 p.
Durães, Francisco de Oliveira. Kim, Hungchong. Lee, Su Houng. Navarra, Fernando Silveira. Nielsen, Marina. Progress in the determination of the J/'psi'- 'pi' cross section. São Paulo, IFUSP, 2002. 22 p.
Eboli, Marisa Pereira. Gregores, E M. Halzen, F. Color evaporation description of inelastic photo-production of J/''psi' at HERA. São Paulo, IFUSP, 2002. 6 p.
Faria, J G Peixoto de. Piza, Antonio Fernando Ribeiro de Toledo. Nemes, Maria Carolina. Phases of quantum states in completley positive non-unitary evolution. São Paulo, IFUSP, 2002. 7 p.
Fonseca, Alexandre F da. Malta, Coraci Pereira. Aguiar, Marcus A M de. Helix-to-helix transitions in nonhomogeneous Kirchhoff filaments. São Paulo, IFUSP, 2002. 4 p.
Fonseca-Romero, K. M.. Nemes, Maria Carolina. Faria, J. G. Peixoto de.. Piza, Antonio Fernando Ribeiro de Toledo. Sensitivity to initial conditions in quantum dynamics an analytical semiclassical expansion. São Paulo, IFUSP, 2002. 7 p.
Gago, A M. Santos, E M. Teves, W J C. Funchal, R. Zukanovich. A study on quantum decoherence phenomena with three generations of neutrinos. São Paulo, IFUSP, 2002. 21 p.
Gammal, Arnaldo. Tomio, Lauro. Frederico, Tobias. Critical numbers of attractive Bose-condensed atoms in asymmetric traps. São Paulo, IFUSP, 2002. 5 p.
Garrido-Alzar, C L. Cruz, L S. Aguirre-Gómez, J G. Santos, M França. Nussenzveig, Paulo Alberto. Super-poissonian photon statistics and correlations between pump and probe fields in electromagnetically induced transparency. São Paulo, IFUSP, 2002. 4 p.
Garrido Alzar, Carlos Leonardo. Santos, M França. Nussenzveig, Paulo Alberto. Entanglement between two macroscopic fields by coherent atom-mediated exchange of photons. São Paulo, IFUSP, 2002. 4 p.
Gasques, L R. Chamon, Luiz Carlos. Silva, C P. Pereira, Dirceu. Gonzalez-Alvarez, Marcos Aurélio. Rossi Junior, E S. Likhachev, Vladimir Petrovich. Carlson, B V. Conti, C de. Determination of the ANTPOT.12 C nuclear density through heavy-ion elastic scattering experiments. São Paulo, IFUSP, 2002. 12 p.
Gavrilov, S P. Gitman, Dmitri Maximovitch. Smirnov, A A. Dirac equation in the magnetic-solenoid field. São Paulo, IFUSP, 2002. 25 p.
Gavrilov, S P. Gitman, Dmitri Maximovitch. Smirnov, A A. Dirac equation in the magnetic-solenoid field. São Paulo, IFUSP, 2002. 25 p.
Geyer, B. Gitman, Dmitri Maximovitch. Tyutin, I V. Canonical form of Euler-Lagrange equations and gauge symmetries.São Paulo, IFUSP, 2002. 27 p.
Girotti, H O. Gomes, Marcelo Otávio Caminha. Petrov, A Yu. Rivelles, Victor de Oliveira. Silva, Adílson José da. Higher loop corrections in noncommutative supersymmetric QED. São Paulo, IFUSP, 2002. 14 p.
Girotti, H O. Gomes, Marcelo Otávio Caminha. Petrov, A Yu. Rivelles, Victor de Oliveira. Silva, Adílson José da. Spontaneous symmetry breaking in noncommutative field theory. São Paulo, IFUSP, 2002. 17 p.
Gitman, Dmitri Maximovitch. Tyutin, I V. Hamiltonization of theories with degenerate coordinates. São Paulo, IFUSP, 2002. 14 p.
Goldemberg, José. Brown, R I. Cooking stoves the state of the art. São Paulo, IFUSP, 2002. 22 p.
Gonzalez-Alvarez, Marcos Aurélio. Chamon, Luiz Carlos. Hussein, Mahir Saleh. Pereira, Dirceu. Gasques, L R. Rossi Junior, E S. Silva, C P. A parameter-free optical potential for the heavy-ion elastic scattering process. São Paulo, IFUSP, 2002. 5 p.
Guidi, Leonardo F. Marchetti, Domingos H. U.. Rakid-Sivashinsky and Michelson-Sivashinsky equations for upward propagating flames a comparison analysis. São Paulo, IFUSP, 2002. 17 p.
Hooper, D. Nunokawa, Hiroshi. Peres, O L G. Funchal, R. Zukanovich. Measuring the spectras of high energy neutrinos with a kilometer-scale neutrino telescope. São Paulo, IFUSP, 2002. 21 p.
Hussein, Mahir Saleh. Lepine-Szily, Alinka. Lichtenthäler, Rubens. Villari, A C C. Guimaraes, Valdir. RIBRAS radioactive ion beams in Brasil. São Paulo, IFUSP, 2002. 28 p.
Hussein, Mahir Saleh. Malta, Coraci Pereira. Pato, Mauricio Porto. Tufaile, Adriana Pedrosa Biscaia. Effect of symmetry breaking on level curvature distributions. São Paulo, IFUSP, 2002. 13 p.
Hussein, Mahir Saleh. Carlson, B V. Canto, L F. Piza, Antonio Fernando Ribeiro de Toledo. Excitation of triple giant resonances in heavy-ion reactions. São Paulo, IFUSP, 2002. 13 p.
Hussein, Mahir Saleh. Vorov, O K. Condensed vortex ground states of rotating Bose-Einstein condensate in harmonic atomic trap. São Paulo, IFUSP, 2002. 33 p.
Hussein, Mahir Saleh. Carlson, B V. Canto, L F. Piza, Antonio Fernando Ribeiro de Toledo. Excitation of triple giant resonances in heavy-ion reactions. São Paulo, IFUSP, 2002. 13 p.
Likhachev, Vladimir Petrovich. Mesa, J. Arruda Neto, João Dias de Toledo. Carlson, B V. Deppman, Airton. Hussein, Mahir Saleh. Nesterenko, V O. Garcia, F. Rodrigues, O. Quasi free electrofission on ANTPOT.238 U. São Paulo, IFUSP, 2002. 26 p.
Likhachev, Vladimir Petrovich. Mesa, J. Arruda Neto, João Dias de Toledo. Carlson, B V. Carvalho Junior, W. Chamon, Luiz Carlos. Cruz, Manoel Tiago Freitas da. Deppman, Airton. Dias, Hélio. Hussein, Mahir Saleh. Quasi free ANTPOT.238 U(e, é f)-cross section in macroscopic-microscopic approach. São Paulo, IFUSP, 2002. 26 p.
Likhachev, Vladimir Petrovich. Mesa, J. Arruda Neto, João Dias de Toledo. Carlson, B V. Deppman, Airton. Hussein, Mahir Saleh. Nesterenko, V O. Garcia, F. Rodriguez, O. Quasi free electro fission of ANTPOT.238 U. São Paulo, IFUSP, 2002. 24 p.
Lin, Chi-Yong. Passos, Emerson Jose Veloso de. Hussein, Mahir Saleh. Lee, Da-Shin. Piza, Antonio Fernando Ribeiro de Toledo. Equilibrium and stability properties of a coupled two-component Bose-Einstein condensate. São Paulo, IFUSP, 2002. 17 p.
Lin, Chi-Yong. Passos, Emerson Jose Veloso de. Hussein, Mahir Saleh. Lee, Da-Shin. Piza, Antonio Fernando Ribeiro de Toledo. Equilibrium and stability properties of a coupled two-component Bose-Einstein condensate. São Paulo, IFUSP, 2002. 13 p.
Matheus, Ricardo Delia. Navarra, Fernando Silveira. Nielsen, Marina. silva, romulo rodrigues da. The J/psi''DD vertex in QCD sum rules. São Paulo, IFUSP, 2002. 11 p.
Medina, Ricardo. Brandt, Fernando Tadeu Caldeira. Machado, Fabiano R. The open superstring 5-point amplitude revisited. São Paulo, IFUSP, 2002. 41 p.
Meirelles Filho, Cesar. Lima, Celso Luiz. Miyake, Hideaki. Timoteo, Varese Salvador. Pion production in the inner disk around cygnus X-1. São Paulo, IFUSP, 2002. 23 p.
Mello, Ricardo Oliveira de. Rivelles, Victor de Oliveira. The irreducible unitary representations of the extended Poincare group in (1+1) dimensions. São Paulo, IFUSP, 2002. 33 p.
Muzy, P T. Vieira, A P. Salinas, S. R.. Correlated disordered interactions on Potts models. São Paulo, IFUSP, 2002. 8 p.
Nunokawa, Hiroshi. Teves, W J C. Funchal, R. Zukanovich. Determination the oscillation parameters by solar neutrinos and KamLAND. São Paulo, IFUSP, 2002. 15 p.
Nunokawa, Hiroshi. Teves, W J C. Funchal, R. Zukanovich. Constraining the absolute neutrino mass scale and Majorana CP violating phases by future O nu beta beta decay experiments. São Paulo, IFUSP, 2002. 26 p.
Passos, Emerson Jose Veloso de. Hussein, Mahir Saleh. Canto, L F. Carlson, B V. The mean energy, strength and width of triple giant dipole resonances. São Paulo, IFUSP, 2002. 12 p.
Rivelles, Victor de Oliveira. Noncommutative field theories and gravity. São Paulo, IFUSP, 2002. 8 p.
Rivelles, Victor de Oliveira. Noncommutative supersymmetric theories. São Paulo, IFUSP, 2002. 12 p.
Rivelles, Victor de Oliveira. Off-shell duality in Maxwell and Born-Infeld theories. São Paulo, IFUSP, 2002. 5 p.
Rossi Junior, E S. Pereira, Dirceu. Chamon, Luiz Carlos. Silva, C P. Gasques, L R. Lubian, J. Carlson, B V. Conti, C de.Effect of the ANTPOT.18 O nuclear density in the nuclear potentials of the ANTPOT.18 O + ANTPOT.58, 60 Ni systems. São Paulo, IFUSP, 2002. 20 p.
Rousseau, M. Beck, C. Bhattacharya, C. Rauch, V. Dorvaux, O. Eddahbi, K. Enaux, C. Freeman, R M. Haas, F. Mahboub, D. Nouicer, R. Papka, P. Stezowski, O. Szilner, S. Hachem, A. Martin, E. Sanders, S J. Dummer, A K. Szanto de Toledo, Alejandro. Highly deformed ANTPOT.40 Ca configurations in ANTPOT.28 Si + ANTPOT.12 C. São Paulo, IFUSP, 2002. 33 p.
Ruini, Alice. Caldas, Marília Junqueira. Bussi, Giovanni. Molinari, Elisa. Solid state effects on exciton states and optical properties of PPV. São Paulo, IFUSP, 2002. 4 p.
S Filho, Victo. Gammal, Arnaldo. Tomio, Lauro. Effect of anharmonicities in the critical number of trapped condensed atoms with attractive two-body interaction. São Paulo, IFUSP, 2002. 5 p.
S Filho, Victo. Frederico, Tobias. Gammal, Arnaldo. Tomio, Lauro. Stability of the trrapped nonconservative Gross-Pitaevskii equation with attractive two-body interaction. São Paulo, IFUSP, 2002. 6 p.
Sargeant, A J. Hussein, Mahir Saleh. Pato, Mauricio Porto. Takigawa, N. Ueda, M. Attenuation of the intensity within a superdeformed band. São Paulo, IFUSP, 2002. 10 p.
Sargeant, A J. Hussein, Mahir Saleh. Pato, Mauricio Porto. Ueda, M. Energy averages and fluctuations in the decay out of superdeformed bands. São Paulo, IFUSP, 2002. 14 p.
Sinyukov, Yu M. akkelin, S V. Hama, Yogiro. On freeze-out problem in hydro-kinetic approach to A+A collisions. São Paulo, IFUSP, 2002. 4 p.
Sotolongo-Costa, O. Guzman, F. Antoranz, J C. Rodgers, G J. Rodriguez, O. Arruda Neto, João Dias de Toledo.Deppman, Airton. A non extensive approach for DNA breaking by ionizing radiation. São Paulo, IFUSP, 2002. 7 p.
Tomé, Tânia. Petri, Alberto. Cumulantes of the three state Potts model and of nonequilibrium models with C IND.3V symmetry. São Paulo, IFUSP, 2002. 21 p.
Vieira, A P. Salinas, S. R.. Phenomenologica model for the remanent magnetization of dilute quasi-one-dimensional antiferromagnets. São Paulo, IFUSP, 2002. 5 p.
Wang, Bin. Abdalla, Élcio. Su, Ru-Keng. Dynamics and holographic discreteness of tachyonic inflation. São Paulo, IFUSP, 2002. 10 p.
1559 - 21/01/2003 Simulation of coherent X-Ray radiation produced by relativisc charged particles in crystals GRAVILOV, V.B.
1560 - 21/01/2003 Radiation proof magnetic Field meter LIKHACHEV, V. P.; PERUN, N. V.; ARRUDA NETO, J.D.T.
1561 23/01/2003 Bean Transport system LIKHACHAVEV, V.P.; SHERBAKOV, A.; ARRUDA NETO, J.D.T.
1562 07/03/2003 On modification of the SP(2) covariant superfield quantization GITMAN, D. M.; MOSHIN, P. YU
1563 11/03/2003 Quantization of spinning particle in 2+1 dimensions FRESNEDA, R.; GAVRILOV, S.; GITMAN, D.; MOSHIN, P.
1564 27/03/2003 GSO (-) vertex operators and open superstring Field theory in hybrid variables BAROSI, L.; TELLO, C.
1565 14/04/2003 Quasimodal MOLINA, C.
1566 14/05/2003 Fusion and breakup of halo nuclei HUSSEIN, M.S.; CANTO, L.F.; DONAGELO, R.
1567 14/05/2003 Proibing the LSND mass scale and four neutrino scenarios with a neutrino telescope NUNOKAWA, H.; PERES, O.L.G.; FUNCHAL, R.Z.
1568 27/05/2003 Proton halo effect in the 160 (d, n1) 17F* reaction near the threshold LICHTENTÄLER, R.
1569 30/12/2001 Isospin and density dependences of nuclear matter symmetry energy coefficients BRAGHIN, F.L.
1570 30/12/2001 Spontaneous symmetry breakdown in nuclear matter BRAGHIN, F.L.
1571 30/12/2001 On the renormalized interacting Field theories- I BRAGHIN, F.L.
1572 30/12/2000 The skyrmion model and the dynamical breakdown of chiral symmetry BRAGHIN, F.L.
1573 30/12/2001 Spontaneous symmetry brakings in the linear sigma modela t finite baryonic density BRAGHIN, F.L
1574 30/12/2002 Modified Linear sigma modela t finite fermionic density with dynamical symmetry breaking BRAGHIN, F.L.
1575 17/07/2003 Role of Virtual break-up of projectille in astrophysical fusions reactions HAGINO, K.
1576 07/08/2003 Discriminating among Earth composition models using geo-antineutrinos FUNCHAL, R.Z.
1577 08/08/2003 Testing color evaporation in Photon-photon production of J/U at cern LEP II ÉBOLI, O.J.P.
1578 27/08/2003 Superfield extended BRST quantization in general coordinates GEYER, B.
1579 09/09/2003 Towards New States of Matter BRAGHIN, F. L.
1580 09/09/2003 External Chromo Magnetic Field in Color superconductivity with a test model. BRAGHIN, F. L.
1581 21/09/2003 Sistema de RF-Timing para o acelerador USP LINAC PT.1 LIKHACHEV, V. P.
1582 30/10/2003 ABC na Educação Cineífica/ Mão na Massa- Análise de ensino de ciências com experimentos na Escola Fundamental pública paulista ATHAYDE, B. C.
1583 03/11/2003 Towards New States of Matter BRAGHIN, F. L.
1584 03/11/2003 Pion Mass dependence of nucleon magnetc moments BRAGHIN, F. L.
1585 21/11/2003 Quantization of Spinning Particle and Bifermonic Constraint Problem FRESNEDA, R.
1586 22/12/2003 Spontaneous Symmetry Breakings in na Extended Linear Sigma Modela t Finite Density BRAGHIN, F. L.
1587 30/01/2004 Doppler Broadening of Positron Anihilation Radition: Fitting the coincidence spectrum BRAGHIN, F. L.
1588 05/03/2004 Nuclear Matter Symmetry Energy And Matter- Anti Matter Asymmetry BRAGHIN, F. L.
1589 15/04/2004 The Island Effect Theory in Gravitation- Le Sage-Brush’s Theory. BORGE, C. J.
1590 29/04/2004 Darboux Transformation for Two-Level Systems BAGROV, V. G.
1591 26/05/2004 Comments on Spin operators and spin-polarization states of 2+1 fermions GRAVILOV, S. P.; GITMAN, D.M; TOMAELLI
1592 31/05/2004 Density operators for particles created by strong backgrounds GRAVILOV, S. P.
1593 04/06/2004 Unitary Quantum Physics with time-space noncommutativity BALACHANDRAN, A. P.; GOVINDARAJAN, T. R.; MOLINA, C.; TEOTONIO SOBRINHO, P.
1594 10/09/2004 Symmetries in Constrained Systems GITMAN, D. M;. TYUTIN, I, V
1595 20/09/2004 General quadratic gauge theory. Constraint structure, Symmetries, and Physical functions. GITMAN, D. M;. TYUTIN, I, V.
1596 13/10/2004 Cohomologies of the Poisson superalgebra of the grassman-valued functions on 2-Dimensional space. GITMAN, D. M.;KONSTEIN, S. E.;TYUTIN, I. V.
1597 19/11/2004 Linear Sigma Model at finite baryonic density: symettry breakings. BRAGHIN, F. L.
1598 15/12/2004 The Island Effect Theory in Gravitation- Le Sage-Brush’s Theory (revisado em dez/2004) BORGE, C. J.
1599 15/12/2004 Skyrmion and chiral symmetry breaking BRAGHIN, F. L.
1600 22/12/2004 On Superfield covariant quantization in General Coordinates GITMAN, D. M.
1601 22/12/2004 Nuclear Matter Symmetry Energy from Generalized Polarizabilities: Dependences on Momentum, Isospin, Density and Temperature BRAGHIN, F. L.