Seminário da Dead Physicists Society

Imagem: representação artística de Euclides

Seminário da Dead Physicists Society (, que ocorrerá no dia 07 de março:

Mathematical Proofs and their Applications on Physics and Discourse in General

Iuri Grangeiro Carvalho, IFUSP

Dia 28 de fevereiro, quinta-feira, IFUSP, Ed. Principal, Ala Central, Sala 2003, às 14h.

Mathematical proofs are a fundamental component of modern mathematics, and arguably the most useful one to the layman, but such concepts have been excluded from high school education. In this seminar, I aim to acquaint freshmen with some fundamentals of logic, as well as with some of the most common techniques used in proofs. Subsequently, I will apply the newly acquired tools to math and physics problems as well as comment on and ilustrate its applications on debating topics outside of the scope of the hard sciences.


Data do Evento: 
07/03/2019 - 14:00 até 17:00
Data de Término: 
07/03/2019 - 14:00

Desenvolvido por IFUSP