Photography Techniques

Image: CAMPOS, P.H.O.V
Visible light photography images are taken with a CCD sensor digital camera, lens-attached filters, and halogen and tungsten lamp systems. They allow to register, document and digitize the images for cataloging works.
Application of the visible light technique, with the standard color chart, in the work produced by the restorer Márcia Rizzo in 2009, using pure pigments, varnishes and metallic paints. This work is designed for use at the Interdisciplinary Thematic School "Characterization and Dating of Cultural Heritage Materials (CADAPAC)", organized by the Brazilian Center for Physical Research (CBPF / MCT) and the Recherche et Restoration des Musées de France Center (C2RMF), in the context of the Year of France in Brazil. The work was prepared with different pure and overlapping materials to allow different methodologies of analysis, simulating the difficulties of analyzing objects of historical and cultural heritage.
Other photographic techniques:
- Fluorescence with Ultraviolet
- Grazing Light Photography
- Infrared Reflectography
- Transmitted light photography
- Visible Light Photography