Input Information

DICE needs two input files: st_input and ljname and use a third or outname.xy optionally.

The input file st_input is read in the logical unit 5 (st_input = standard input). In this file, the lines, that start with #, are understood as comments and the information are associated with keywords.

Keywords that MUST be declared ALWAYS:
     ljname =
     outname =
     seed =
     upbuf =
     ncores =


Keywords that MUST be declared IF the initial configuration does not exist (outname.dat) or
     init = yes or yesread:
     nmol =
     dens =


If the initial configuration (outname.dat file)  

init = no init = yes
coolstep = 0 coolstep = 150
nstep = 50000 nstep = 3000
irdf= 5 irdf = 0
iratio = 50 iratio = 10


Default values:
     geom = 0
     temp = 298.15
     press = 1
     accum = no
     vstep = 0
     iprint = 1
     isave = 1000