Error Messages

'Error: Delete the RDF files'
Delete the files, where ? = 1, 2, until 9.
'Error: Delete the configurations files'
Delete the files, where ? = 1, 2, until 9.
'Error: Need definition of sigma rule in the "ljname"'
Declare the signal * or + in the first character of the first line of the file ljname.
'Error: Need seed to the random generator'
Declare the keyword seed in the file st_input.
'Error: Need density value'
Declare the keyword dens in the file st_input, when an initial configuration is generated.
'Error: Increase the parameter "mnt"'
Edit the file dice.prm to increase the value of the parameter mnt and recompile the program.
'Error: Increase the parameter "mna"'
Edit the file dice.prm to increase the value of the parameter mna and recompile the program.
'Error: Increase the parameter "mnas"'
Edit the file dice.prm to increase the value of the parameter mnas and recompile the program.
'Error: Increase the parameter "mnm"'
Edit the file dice.prm to increase the value of the parameter mnm and recompile the program.
'Error: Increase the parameter "mnms"'
Edit the file dice.prm to increase the value of the parameter mnms and recompile the program.
'Error: Increase the parameter "nin"'
Edit the file dice.prm to increase the value of the parameter nin and recompile the program.
'Error: Increase the parameter "mbin"'
Edit the file dice.prm to increase the value of the parameter mbin and recompile the program.
'Error: The ordered initial configuration can be generated only to homogeneous liquid'
Using the DICE program, it is not possible to generate an ordered initial configuration to liquid composed with different types of molecules.
'Error: Density too large'
This error appears only when an ordered initial configuration is generated and the distance between the molecule layers is lower than the overlap distance defined in the program (rmin = 0.8 Å).
'Error: "nmol" should be 64, 125, 216, 343, ...'
This error appears only when an ordered initial configuration is generated and the number of molecules set to the simulation (nmol) is not an exact cubic root.
'Error in the configuration. Overlap of atoms: k and l of molecules i and j'
Change the center-of-mass positions in the file or the orientation of the molecules in the ljname file.
'Error: The angle is mis-defined in file (0 < angle < 360) '
Change the angle in the file
'Error: The rotational axis is mis-defined in file (1=X, 2=Y and 3=Z)'
Change the axis number in the file
'Error in initial configuration '
Report this error to the authors.
'Error: Overlap in initial configuration '
Report this error to the authors.
'Error: Problem with the random generator '
Report this error to the authors.