
Teoria de Grandes Desvios para Férmions Fracamente Interagentes em Equilíbrio Termodinâmico - Funções Geratrizes de Gaetner-Ellis como Integrais de Berizin

segunda-feira, 9 Abril, 2018 - 11:00
Prof. Walter Alberto de Siqueira Pedra (DFMA-IFUSP)

Demonstramos que funções geratrizes de Gaertner-Ellis associadas a estados de equilíbrio de férmions na rede, fracamente interagentes, podem ser vistas como limites de logaritmos de integrais de Berezin Gaussianas, cujas covariâncias são uniformemente absolutamente somáveis e possuem cotas uniformes para seus Pfaffianos. Disto segue que, por intermédio de expansões em árvore de Brydges-Kennedy, tais integrais de Berezin podem ser utilizadas para obter-se representação da função geradora de Gaertner-Ellis como série de potências de seu argumento. Tal resultado tem aplicações imediatas à teoria das "flutuações quânticas normais" e, portanto, à teoria do transporte, assim como ao estudo da entropia relativa de Rényi de estados de Gibbs fermiônicos.

Local: Sala Jayme Tiomno



Could dark matter consist of primordial black holes?

quarta-feira, 21 Março, 2018 - 14:00
Prof. M. Coleman Miller (University of Maryland)

Cosmological observations indicate that the current universe is roughly 69% dark energy, 26% dark matter, and 5% ordinary matter. Dark matter is usually assumed to be some type of elementary particle, but the lack of direct evidence for such a particle has inspired some researchers to look for other possibilities. One prospect, which has received renewed interest due to the discoveries of black hole mergers with LIGO and Virgo, is that dark matter could mainly be primordial black holes. In this talk, I will discuss why black holes could theoretically operate as dark matter, and then examine the existing limits on primordial black holes of different masses. This is a topic that brings in an unusually rich variety of arguments from astronomy and physics, with prospects for continued improvement with more gravitational wave discoveries.

Local: Sala Jayme Tiomno


1-point lensing statistics in cosmology

terça-feira, 6 Março, 2018 - 11:00
Prof. Miguel Quartin, UFRJ

Lensing in cosmology is usually discussed in terms of the Cosmic Shear, a 2-point correlation statistic. The lensing probability distribution functions (PDF) of convergence, shear and magnification, on the other hand, carry extra information which can be recovered in a different way. I will discuss some challenges in extracting this signal, which requires an accurate modelling of the cosmological dependence of the PDFs. I will focus on the effect of baryons, computed using the Magneticum suite of simulations, which have a significant impact on the high magnification and high convergence regions of the PDFs. I will also discuss how the angular resolution of the observations must be taken into account when modelling the PDFs.

Local: Sala Jayme Tiomno

Semiclassical analysis of the Schrödinger equation with conical potentials

terça-feira, 27 Fevereiro, 2018 - 11:00
Victor Chabu (Instituto de Física da USP)

In this talk we will study the behaviour of the Wigner measures of solutions to the Schrödinger equation with potentials presenting conical singularities. These measures are related to the concentration of the solutions in the limit where a parameter in the equation (e.g. the Planck's constant) goes sufficiently small, and represent a mass density over the phase space, which may be a classical particle or a continuum of mass. The situation becomes particularly interesting with conical singularities, since they give rise to problems of non-unicity in the Hamiltonian flows that ultimately dismiss the existence of any selection principle allowing one to study the measures' time evolution within a pure classical framework.

Local: Sala Jayme Tiomno


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