
The advancement of the so-called quantum materials has been a fertile ground for the development of cutting-edge research and there are concrete prospects for applications in several areas. Frequent themes and phenomena that enter this area include superconductivity, different types of electronic topology, complex magnetic configurations, among others. Brazil, and the State of São Paulo, have several research groups that have dedicated efforts in this area, producing high quality science. This school will put together a team of highly qualified researchers, leaders in the area, to deliver short courses and talks focusing on fundamental, theoretical and experimental aspects of quantum materials. Among the topics to be discussed are experimental techniques for the growth of quantum materials, advanced methods for material characterization, density functional theory, topological insulators and heavy fermion systems.

The school will fully finance the participation of 50 students and young researchers from abroad, 50 students and young researchers from Brazil.  

The conference will host two poster sessions where participants will present their works. 

This event is financially supported by the Brazilian funding agency FAPESP (2023/05569-3).