Books and Journals Donations

Instructions for Donation of books and journals to the Library IFUSP

The library's procedure for receiving donations of publications, which are:

 1. Every donation must be preceded by consultation with Library;

 2. The donor must submit one of the forms below filled with the relation of the material to be analyzed containing data or send a list of these

 data to email.

    Form to donate books
    Form to Journals donation

 3. After consideration the list the Library will contact the donor reporting what materials were accepted and which were not accepted;

 4. The donor must observe which items been effectively Accepted by the Library, separate them and deliver them at the Library;

 5. The Library will execute the technical procedures necessary for material incorporation of to the assets that will be done according to the availability

of technical staff working time;

 6. Materials that are generally accepted:

 a) The subject matter is related library areas of interest;

 b) Complete the collection, by incorporating relevant materials, current and complete;

 c) The library need new copies to meet the demand;

 d) To supply gaps collection;

 e) Replace materials damaged or lost;

 f) Adding value to the historic institution.

  7. Materials with the following characteristics will not be accepted:

 a) works damaged or in bad condition;


 c) Volumes of discontinued collections;

 d) Language not easily accessible;

 8. Exceptional cases will be discussed by staff librarians. Other information send email.


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