Scientific writing - Articles

Scientific article


Publish your research

  Authors usually want to publish their research in the most widely read and highly cited journals. Librarians can help you find the most suitable publishers. Many researchers have been publishing works with open access, on blogs, scientific networks and indexed journals that are available on the internet or making their articles available pre or post-publication in institutional repositories. Some funding agencies stipulate the availability of research results from open access sources. You can find a list of open access journals in your field in the Directory of Open Access Journals. Otherwise, try to publish in a journal that allows open access with self-archiving. For policies of editors and periodicals, consult the SHERPA / Romeu database.


Impact factor of journals

See the number of citations for the average article in a given journal.

Journal Citation Reports are used to establish the impact factors of journals in your field.

Eigenfactor measures the prestige of a journal based on citations per article, as well as the overall value by all the articles published in a given journal in a year.

See Garfield, E. The history and significance of the journal impact factor. JAMA. 2006; 295: 90-93.


Check out the main sites that help you write a scientific article. Publicar sua pesquisa
 Escrita científica
Gilson Volpato

Also see some electronic books on scientific writing.


REFERENCES and BIBLIOGRAPHIC QUOTES - You can use the list of software below.


See the tutorials on ENDNOTEWebZoteroMendeley


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