What is ISBN and how to get it?


According to the Brazilian Book Chamber, “the ISBN (International Standard Book Number / International Book Numbering Standard) is a numerical standard
created with the aim of providing a kind of “RG” for publications monographic, such as books, articles and handouts. The global diffusion of the ISBN and the
ease with which it is read by retail chains, libraries and general systems cataloging, made it essential for any publication. to find out which publications ask for the ISBN or not.”

The sequence is created from a registration system used by the market publishing house and bookseller all over the world. The ISBN structure is made up of 13
numbers indicating the title, author, country, publisher and edition of a constructions. See at

Also according to the Brazilian Book Chamber, “thanks to this combination, it is possible to individualize and catalog the particular and specific information
of each of the various publications produced around the planet. That numerical series recognized in more than 200 countries allows sharing of
metadata of works in different systems. It is no wonder that the creation of this standard represented a milestone in the publishing market, improving the processes of
production, distribution, sales analysis and data storage bibliographies.”

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How to apply for an ISBN

As of March 1, 2020, the [10]Brazilian Book Chamber began to perform ISBN services in Brazil in place of the National Library. You
registrations of companies, bodies and individuals previously carried out with the National Library were not passed on to the Brazilian Book Chamber (CBL).
Thus, it is necessary to register again for free. Of any In this way, old ISBNs are still valid. To assign the ISBN to new publications, it is necessary:

1 – Register as an individual (CPF) or legal entity (with valid CNPJ) on the website . It's free. Each
USP unit must have its CNPJ registered with the CBL, if it has not already done so. Many USP libraries have already done this and are able to perform such a service.
Check contacts;

2 – Access your profile to start the ISBN request.

3 – Enter the data concerning the characteristics of your publication so that you receive the indicated ISBN. The deadline for this process is
up to four business days. Check the price at

Confirm that your work can receive

Where to get the ISBN for your work at USP:

Who in my USP Unit can help me obtain the ISBN for my Publication?

Consult the list of Contacts at USP Units

- ISBN for assistance and guidance on ISBN USP registration from your publication.

In case of doubt, send a message to the email  or consult the staff of the Brazilian Book Chamber,

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