PÓS-DOC / Exotic phonon transport regimes in complex oxides

Tipo de Oportunidade: 
Instituto de Física da Universidade de São Paulo (IFUSP)
Data Término Inscrição: 
terça-feira, 1 Novembro, 2022

Descrição e requisitos:
PostDoc position at LQMEC (
University of São Paulo - IFUSP)

Post-Doc position (12 months – with the possibility to renew for 12 months) at the Laboratory for Quantum Matter under Extreme Conditions (LQMEC.com) under the supervision of Prof. Valentina Martelli, leader of a Max Planck Tandem Research group financed by FAPESP  (2018/19420-3).

Project: Exotic phonon transport regimes in complex oxides

Profile: experience in experimental condensed matter, previous experience with development of home-made experimental setup, experience with low temperature techniques.

Inscrições e mais informações:
To apply, send to: valentina.martelli@usp.br
1) CV
2) Motivational letter
3) Two contacts of reference
This opportunity is open to candidates of any nationality. The selected candidate will receive a fellowship according to the USP-public call.

Deadline for applications: 01/11/2022
Interviews: 02-8/11/2022
Communication of the result of the process: 11/11/2022

Fellowship start day: 1/12/2022
Contact: Prof. Valentina Martelli, valentina.Martelli@usp.br
Website: LQMEC.com

Desenvolvido por IFUSP