Danilo Mustafa

Full Name: Danilo Mustafa
Department: FMT
Building: MSC - Mario Schenberg
Office: 217B
Position: Associate Professor
Phone: (55)(11) 3091-6888

Danilo Mustafa obtained his PhD in Physics at University of Campinas (Brazil, 2009) on the study of luminescent nanomaterials. During this period, he entered the chemistry world at a six-month stay at TCU-Texas (USA, 2005). Afterwards, worked as an invited researcher at the Max Planck Institute-Stuttgart (Germany, 2009). In 2010, joined KU Leuven (Belgium) to collaborate on the design of luminescent materials based on metal organic frameworks and layered double hydroxides. Danilo became an assistant professor in 2015 at University of São Paulo (Brazil) and associate professor in 2019. Today his research focuses on the fundamental understanding and application of new hybrid luminescent materials.