Seminário do IAG-USP com o pesquisador Irfann Ullah

Título: "Near surface characterization from the H/V spectral curves and the joint inversion of ellipticity and dispersion curves"
Palestrante:  Irfan Ullah
Doutorando do Dep. de Geofísica do  IAG - USP
Dia: 01 de junho (quinta-feira)
Horário: 16h30
Local: Auditório 1 (IAG/USP)
Resumo da palestra:
H/V (horizontal over vertical) spectral curves or Nakamura curves are widely used for the resonance frequency and shear wave velocity estimation for a thicker soil deposit site from the seismic ambient noise recording. The H/V curves are believed in providing a good approximate of the shear wave resonance frequency, (the characteristic site frequency at which the vibration arrived at bedrock is amplified manifold at the surface), I have tried to check the deviation of the H/V curve peak frequency from the shear wave resonance frequency for two models through forward modeling. The second aspect of the H/V curve technique is its peak frequency utilization for the soft sediments thickness estimation. I will show some results about the peak frequency and thickness relation from the Bebedouro area. The inversion of the H/V curve (ellipticity) is not recommended alone for the shear wave velocity estimation, as there is a strong tradeoff between the thickness and shear wave velocity values. I have tried to use the ellipticity curve along with the shear wave velocity trend obtained from the dispersion curve as indirect inversion. The most problematic aspect of the H/V curve inversion with dispersion curve is that it requires the removal of Love waves contribution from the classical H/V curve to make it a true representative of the ellipticity curve,I will try to show some results to demonstrates the advantage of the two techniques used for this purpose at IAG borehole site. At the end,  I will show some result about the joint inversion of ellipticity and dispersion curve of the three different sites I have used for my analysis.
Eliza Soares/Telefone: (11) 3091-4763
É gratuito e não precisa de inscrição prévia

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