Seminário do IAG-USP com o Prof. Maurício Bologna

"Título: 3-D inversion of magnet"otelluric data: example from a complex dataset in northeastern São Francisco Craton, Brazil"


Prof. Dr. Mauricio de Souza Bologna

Depto. de Geofísica IAG/USP

Dia: 17 de agosto (quinta-feira)

Horário: 16h30

Local: Auditório 1 (IAG/USP)


3-D inversion of magnetotelluric (MT) data still demands high computational cost, so researchers tend to prefer collecting MT data along profiles for subsequent 2-D modeling. This work presents a MT study in the northeastern part of the São Francisco Craton using a dataset obtained from MT sites along several intersecting profiles, making the data distribution over the area highly uneven and therefore non-ideal for 3-D modeling. Results from 3-D inversion are evaluated for robustness and potentiality for yielding tectonic information. The most striking features in the model are several strong (~1 Ωm) crustal conductors beneath the central part of the Archean Serrinha Block, which we attribute to a Paleoproterozoic oceanic plate subduction and arc-continent collision event involving the Rio Itapicuru Greenstone Belt and the basement of the Archean Serrinha Block.


Eliza Soares/Telefone: (11) 3091-4763

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Eliza Ribeiro Soares
Departamento de Geofísica
Tel: (11) 3091-4763
Fax: (11) 3091-5034



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