School on Particle Physics (ICTP-SAIFR-IF-UNESP)

Dear Colleague,
I would like to draw your attention to the First Joint ICTP-Trieste/ICTP-SAIFR School on Particle Physics we are organizing in São Paulo, Brazil,  on June 18-29, 2018:
Each day we will have at most three lectures, with ample space for discussion and problem solving.
Lectures on the Standard Model: Benjamin Grinstein (UCSD, USA)
Particle Physics and the Early Universe: Laura Covi (Institute for Theoretical Physics, Göttingen, Germany)
Practical QCD at colliders: Giulia Zanderighi (University of Oxford, UK)
Lectures on Beyond the Standard Model Physics: Alex Pomarol (UAB & IFAE, Barcelona, Spain)
Dark Matter and Particle Physics: Paddy Fox (FERMILAB, Chicago, USA)
Experimental Elements for Theorists: A Roadmap to the Future: Gustaaf Brooijmans (Columbia University, USA)
Please forward the information to PhD students and young postdocs in your groups who might be interested in attending the school.
Online applications are now open (deadline: April 13, 2018).
We hope to meet your students soon in São Paulo.
Best regards,
Enrico Bertuzzo
(for the organizers)

Desenvolvido por IFUSP