Cancelada a palestra na FEA-USP com Rick Ramsey

Olá pessoal, bom dia.

É com pesar que informo que o evento abaixo foi cancelado. Peço desculpas pelo pedido anterior de divulgação, mas o Prof. Edgard, responsável pelo evento repassou a informação ontem à noite.

Obrigada mais uma vez por todo o apoio.



assinatura de email MIlena_2


Assunto: Palestra "Transmedia e Storytelling: a Multimedia Marketing Strategy"
Palestrante: Rick Ramsey
Dia 18.05, das 08h30 às 12h.
Local: FEA-USP
Evento em inglês
With all the ways to communicate an idea or sell a product at our disposal how do we know the best way to get our message across? Adopt a transmedia storytelling strategy. This high-powered presentation is designed to inspire you to connect with your target audience using multiple social media platforms. From blogs to comics to games and videos, see what the narrative universe has to offer.  Learn how to combine marketing strategies allowing consumers to participate in a well crafted and engineered experience that you design. Transmedia storytelling isn’t the future of marketing, it is here, now! So whatever your message learn how to present it in an interconnected online narrative that generates more impact and transcends to a much wider audience.
Palestrante Internacional: Rick Ramsey joined Full Sail University in 2001 as the developer and Course Director for Digital Cinematography. In 2007, he became Department Chair for Production before becoming Program Director of Film. He also co-developed the Digital Cinematography and Media Communications Bachelor Degree Programs as well as the Film Production Master of Fine Arts Degree Program. Currently Rick serves as the Director of Visual Arts where he oversees six Bachelor degree programs. Before coming to Full Sail, Rick served for three years as Production Manager for First Tele Productions in Winston-Salem, North Carolina. Prior to that, he was the Communications Department Chair and Director of Theater at Southeastern University in Lakeland, Florida. Active in the local arts community, Rick serves as a board member for the Enzian Theater and is an active part of the Florida Film festival planning committee.
Rick earned his Bachelor of Arts degree in Bible Studies from Southeastern College and his Master of Arts degree in Mass Communication from University of South Florida. His latest achievements include serving as line producer for the production of To Write Love on Her Arms starring Kat Dennings and Chad Michael Murray , serving as line producer for the situation comedy Real Rob starring Rob Schneider, and as producer for Architects of Hip Hop with Christopher Play Martin from the rap duo Kid and Play.
Participação de:
Prof. Edgard Cornacchione (FEA/USP)
Edgard Cornacchione desenvolve pesquisas sobre rupturas sociotécnicas de longo-prazo e seus impactos nos negócios e capacitação profissional, incluindo efeitos de tecnologias avançadas. Professor Titular da FEA/USP, Bacharel, Mestre, Doutor e Livre-Docente em Ciências Contábeis pela FEA/USP e Ph.D. em Educação pela University of Illinois (EUA). Possui certificações por Harvard e Singularity University/NASA. Fundador do Laboratório GETEC/USP com foco em Tecnologia da Educação e líder da área de Serious Games que teve com o jogo DEBORAH diversas premiações internacionais (e.g., AAA/USA 2017 Innovation in Accounting History Education Award). Pesquisador da Escola do Futuro/USP, Membro do Conselho Curador da FIPECAFI e do Portal da Juventude (Prefeitura de São Paulo). 
Prof. Gilson Schwartz (ECA/USP)
Gilson Schwartz é Professor Livre-Docente em Economia do Audiovisual no Departamento de Cinema, Rádio e TV da Escola de Comunicações e Artes e Professor do Programa de Pós-Graduação Interdisciplinar Humanidades, Direitos e Outras Legitimidades da Faculdade de Filosofia, Letras e Ciências Humanas da Universidade de São Paulo. Desde 2010 coordena a rede Games for Change América Latina. Autor de "Brinco, Logo Aprendo: Games, Educação e Moralidades Pós-Modernas" (Ed. Paulus, São Paulo, 2016). Criou no Instituto de Estudos Avançados em 2001 a "Cidade do Conhecimento", grupo de pesquisa e empreendedorismo criativo. Colabora com a coluna semanal "Iconomia" na programação da Rádio USP.
Full Sail University
eFUSION Education 
Fonte da notícia: Comunicação da FEA-USP e Diretoria do IFUSP

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