Concurso público para Professor Doutor MS-3, em RDIDP


Edital IF-13/18  (Materiais em Escala Nanométrica)

Estarão abertas, até o dia 12 de setembro de 2018, as inscrições ao Concurso de Títulos e Provas para provimento de um cargo de Professor Doutor, na Referência MS-3.1, em RDIDP, com o salário de R$ 10.670,76, no Departamento de Física dos Materiais e Mecânica do Instituto de Física da Universidade de São Paulo, na área de Materiais em Escala Nanométrica.

Edital - Versão em Portugues

Para candidatos brasileiros e estrangeiros com domínio da língua portuguesa, as instruções e os formulários para as inscrições estão disponíveis no site

Informações adicionais poderão ser obtidas na Assistência Acadêmica do IFUSP. Telefones +55-11-30916020 / +55-11-30917000, ou no DFMT, com Antonio Domingues dos Santos (, fone +55-11-30916886


Edital IF-13/2018 - (English Version)

The Institute of Physics, University of São Paulo, Brazil, invites highly-motivated candidates to apply for one assistant permanent position in the field of Materials at the Nanoscale.

For more details, including instructions regarding the application procedure, please contact Antonio Domingues dos Santos at The application deadline is September 12, 2018.

Application process

Applicants with a strong research record in Materials at the Nanoscale are encouraged to begin the application process early, by following the two-step process outlined below.

1) The first step in the application process is obtaining a certification of your Ph.D. from USP

2) The second step is the submission of your full application, with a CV and statement of research interests.

Step 1 (only needed for those with a Ph.D. diplomma obtained outside of Brazil)

E-mail the following documents to the address:, with copy to, with the subject line: Pedido de equivalencia,

Ref. Concurso Materiais em Escala Nanometrica

Required documents:

(a) the filled, dated and signed form which can be found on this link.

(b) a scanned copy (PDF) of your passport or ID document

(c) a copy (PDF) of your Ph.D. thesis

(d) a copy (PDF) of your Ph.D. diploma

(e) a copy (PDF) of your graduate transcript*

[* If your Ph.D. institution does not require graduate courses, please attach a letter stating that.]

Step 2

After Step 1 has been completed, and you have received the certification by USP (or, alternatively, if you already have a diploma valid in Brazil), submit your full application by early August to the e-mail:, with the subject line: INSCRICAO PARA CONCURSO DE MATERIAIS EM ESCALA NANOMETRICA.

[Se você for brasileiro(a), essa fase deve ser feita diretamente pelo site oficial dos concursos da USP.]

Required documents (all in PDF format):

(a) the Ph.D. certification (see Step 1 above)

(b) a research proposal or statement of research interests

(c) a document entitled Memorial, with a narrative about of your reasearch experience from graduate school on and a description of your research interests, followed by your CV (it must contain a complete list of your publications with appropriate referencing)

(d) this filled form.

[Letters of recommendation are not required at this point, but if you wish, you may send them to your local contact or to (Head of DFMT).]

The two-stage examination will consist of the following exams:

1st stage (eliminative):

a written exam on one of the topics described in this link – weight 3.

2nd stage:

i) Analysis and Public examination of the Curriculum Vitae (Memorial) – weight 4.

ii) Teaching exam (public lecture on one of the topics described in this link – weight 3.

Further information and relevant rules for the examination are available at this link.

If you have any question, please feel free to contact the Head of DFMT, Antonio Domingues dos Santos (



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