Seminário: "A first look at a supermassive black hole"

Foto: Lia Medeiros - Arquivo pessoal.

Seminário: "A first look at a supermassive black hole"

Lia Medeiros
Institute for Advanced Study

Data: Segunda-feira, 10 de junho de 2019 – 14h00

Local: Auditório "Prof. Dr. Paulo Benevides Soares", Bloco G

On April 10, 2019, the Event Horizon Telescope (EHT), a very long baseline interferometry experiment, released the first image of a black hole resolved to event horizon scales. I will discuss the image of M87 and aim to convince the audience that a flux depression in the image is necessary to fit the data. I will also discuss the parameters we derived based on the image and model fitting results. I will specifically highlight how EHT observations provide unique tests of the Kerr nature of black holes. Finally I will highlight some of my own contributions to this project and discuss how we plan to image the black hole in our own galaxy, Sagittarius A*.

Lia Medeiros é a única pesquisadora brasileira que é membro da Event Horizon Telescope Collaboration. 

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