5th International Workshop - IEA-USP

USP 5th International Workshop

"The Nucleus-Nucleus Interaction and Reactions With Exotic Nuclei, a workshop dedicated to the Memory of Paulo Roberto Silveira Gomes”

April 10 – 13, 2017 – Venue: Inst. de Estudos Avançados-USP


Monday, 10/04/2017

Morning Chair M. S. Hussein 9:30 Openning

10:00 Martin Freer (Univ. Birmingham-UK) Recent results on light nuclear systems: Progress and Problems

10:30 U. van Kolck (Orsay- France) A systematic approach to Halo and cluster nuclei

11:00 Coffee Break

11:30 F. Cappuzzello (Catania –Italy) Exploring the single particle structure of 10Li by the d(9Li, p)10Li reaction 12:00 B. V. Carlson (ITA-Sao Jose dos Campos) Inclusive deuteron breakup reactions

12:30 LUNCH

Afternoon Chair: C. A. Bertulani

14:30 A. Tumino (Catania-Italy) Resonant reactions in nuclear astrophysics with the Trojan Horse method 15:00 L. C. Chamon (IF-USP) Sao Paulo potential twenty years later

15:30 Coffee Break

16:00: E. Abdalla Experimental Cosmology: The BINGO Project

16:30: A. Figueiredo The Brazilian Journal of Physics _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Tuesday, 11/04/2017

Chair: M. Freer

10:00 A. Vitturi (Padova-Italy) Excitation of Giant and Pygmy dipole states in neutron-rich systems with isoscalar probes.

10:30 C. A. Bertulani (Texas A&M-Commerce-USA) Pygmy resonances, symmetry energy and neutron stars.

11:00 Coffee break

11:30 L. Tomio (IFT-UNESP) Neutron +19C elastic scattering near critical conditions for an excited 20C state.

12:00 E. Vardaci (Napoli-Italy) Investigation on the projectile breakup mechanism in 7Li + 208Pb reaction around the Coulomb barrier

12:30 LUNCH

Afternoon Chair: B. V. Carlson

14:30 Tobias Frederico (ITA-Sao Jose dos Campo) Incomplete Fusion Theory of Three-Body Halos

15:00 R. Higa (IF-USP) Halo EFT and nuclear astrophysics

15:30 Coffee break


16:30 Discussion

20:00: Workshop dinner _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Wednesday 12/04/2017

Morning Chair: A. Lepine

10:00 D. Hinde (ANU-Australia) Sensitivity of the breakup observables and fusion to sub-zeptosecond resonance lifetimes

10:30 L. F. Canto (UFRJ – Rio) Fusion functions: an efficient procedure to reduce fusion data

11:00 Coffee break

11:30 J. Lubian (UFF-Rio) Is the complete fusion suppression energy-dependent?

12:00 M. S. Hussein Remembering Paulo Gomes and his Physics

12:30: LUNCH Afternoon Chair: L. Gasques

14:30 N. Alamanos (CEA-Saclay) Low energy nuclear physics at the French atomic energy committee (CEA)

15:00 R. Lichtenthaler (IF-USP) Recent results from RIBRAS

15:30 Coffee break

16:00 Marcos Alvares (IF-USP) Instrumental developments to study weakly bound and exotic nuclei reactions at USP.

16:30 Manuel Malheiro (ITA) Electron Capture and Pycnonuclear Fusion Reactions in Magnetized White Dwarfs _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Thursday 13/04/2017

Morning Chair: N. Alamanos

10:00 Leandro Gasques (IF-USP) Study of reactions involving weakly bound nuclei

10:30 M. Yamashita (IFT-UNESP) Universality in light halo nuclei

11:00 Coffee break

11:30 Discussion

12:00 LUNCH

14:00 End of the Workshop

Fonte da notícia: BIFUSP - Nº 04/2017

Data do Evento: 
10/04/2017 - 09:30 até 13/04/2017 - 14:00
Data de Término: 
13/04/2017 - 14:00

Desenvolvido por IFUSP