Colóquio do IME com Andrei Okounkov (Columbia Univ.) e Geordie Williamson (Univ. de Sidney)


Informamos a nova programação do Colóquio do IME com os Profs. Drs. Andrei Okounkov da Universidade Columbia, Estados Unidos e Geordie Williamson da Universidade de Sidney, Austrália:

Data: 10 de agosto de 2018 - sexta-feira.
Local: Auditório Antonio Gilioli, bloco A - Instituto de Matemática e Estatística da Universidade de São Paulo.


15:30 - Coffee break

16:00 - Prof. Dr. Geordie Williamson (Universidade de Sidney - Austrália)

Palestra: “Representation Theory and Geometry”.

Fellow of the Royal Society, Member of  Australian Academy of Science

recipiente de Chevalley Prize of the American Mathematical Society, Clay Research Award
EMS Prize, New Horizons in Mathematics Prize

17:00 - Coffee break

17:30 - Prof. Dr. Andrei Okounkov (Universidade Columbia - Estados Unidos) - Ganhador da Medalha Fields em 2006 e Plenarista do ICM-2018

Palestra: "The shape of Geometry to come - On the crossroads of enumerative geometry and geometric representation theory”.

Abstract: The subjects in the title are interwoven in many different and very deep ways. I recently wrote several expository accounts that reflect a certain range of developments, but even in their totality they cannot be taken as a comprehensive survey. In the format of a 30-page contribution aimed at a general mathematical audience, I have decided to illustrate some of the basic ideas in one very interesting example – that of Hilb(C^2, n), hoping to spark the curiosity of colleagues in those numerous fields of study where one should expect applications.


Diretoria do IFUSP


Data do Evento: 
10/08/2018 - 16:00 até 17:00
Data de Término: 
10/08/2018 - 16:00

Desenvolvido por IFUSP