Colóquio MAP com o Prof. Shaun Bullett (Univ.of London)


“Dynamics of Holomorphic Correspondences”

Prof. Shaun Bullett (Queen Mary University of London).

Dia: 14 de junho, quarta-feira, Auditório Antonio Gilioli, Sala 247/262, Bloco A, IMEUSP, das 11 às 12h, Café às 10h30, na sala 265 A (Chefia do MAP).

Transmissão online:

Resumo da palestra:

Holomorphic correspondences, defined by polynomial relations P(z,w)=0, are dynamical systems on the Riemann sphere which generalise both rational maps and finitely generated Kleinian groups. They exhibit many different types of behaviour. In this talk I shall examine:

(i) A classical example with an arithmetical flavour: the arithmetic-geometric mean (Gauss) viewed as an iterated holomorphic correspondence on the Riemann sphere.

(ii) Recent work on the ‘Discreteness Locus’ for a family of correspondences, analogous to the ‘Discreteness Locus’ for representations of Z/2*Z/3 in PSL(2,C), and examples of new types of behaviour on the boundary of this locus.

Data do Evento: 
14/06/2017 - 11:00 até 12:00
Data de Término: 
14/06/2017 - 11:00

Desenvolvido por IFUSP