Colóquio MAP - Profa. Micol Amar (Sapienza Università di Roma)


“A brief survey on homogenization techniques with some physical applications”

Profa. Micol Amar (Facoltà di Ingegneria - Sapienza Università di Roma)

Dia: 26 de junho, sexta-feira, Auditório Antonio Gilioli - Sala 247/262 - Bloco A, IME-USP, das 16 às 17h Café às 15h30, na sala 265 A (Chefia do MAP).

Resumo da palestra:

We present the basic ideas of the homogenization theory as the modelization of a macroscopic phenomenon starting from its microscopic description. We introduce the main homogenization techniques, such as the asymptotic expansions, the two-scale convergence and the unfolding method, showing their application to the model case of Laplace equation. Finally, we briefly treat some physical applications coming out from recent studies on electrical conduction in biological tissues and heat diffusion in science material.

Data do Evento: 
26/08/2016 - 15:30 até 18:00
Data de Término: 
26/08/2016 - 15:30

Desenvolvido por IFUSP