High-energy astrophysical phenomena in globular clusters: synergies and perspectives for Fermi-LAT and CTA

High-energy astrophysical phenomena in globular clusters: synergies and perspectives for Fermi-LAT and CTA
Colóquio do Departamento de Física Matemática
Raniere Menezes (Departamento de Astronomia, IAG-USP)
07/06, 3ª feira, 17h. Local: Sala Jayme Tiomno (Colóquio presencial)

High-energy astrophysical processes commonly happen in the surroundings of compact objects, like neutron stars and black holes. In such environments, charged particles are accelerated up to the relativistic domain and can emit gamma-rays mainly through inverse Compton scattering and curvature radiation processes. With the launch of the Fermi Large Area Telescope (LAT) in 2008, a new window was open to the gamma-ray sky, allowing us to observe a huge variety of astrophysical sources never seen before. In this seminar, we use the Fermi-LAT capabilities to explore the physics of globular clusters in gamma-rays. Here we introduce and explore the origin of the gamma-ray emission in globular clusters, especially on how these gamma-rays depend on the dynamical properties of the cluster and what are their main characteristics in high energies, highlighting what are the upcoming challenges in the frameworks of the Fermi-LAT and the Cherenkov Telescope Array (CTA). Finally, we will shortly introduce the audience to easyFermi, a graphical interface that we developed to facilitate the usage of the Fermitools, and how we can do a similar tool for CTA.


Data do Evento: 
07/06/2022 - 17:00

Desenvolvido por IFUSP