II World Conference on Physics Education (Instituto de Física da Universidade de São Paulo - de 11 a 15 de julho)
Programa científico
WCPE 2016 Programa (provisório)
horário |
domingo 10/07 |
Segunda-feira 11/07 |
terça-feira 12/07 |
quarta-feira 13/07 |
quinta-feira 14/07 |
Sexta-feira 15/07 |
8h30-9h00 9h00-10h30 |
Sessão de abertura Sessão plenária Keynote Speaker 1 |
Sessão plenária Keynote Speaker 2 |
Sessão plenária Keynote Speaker 3 |
Sessão plenária Keynote Speaker 4 |
PlenarySession Keynote Speaker 5 |
10h30-11h00 |
Coffee Break |
Coffee Break |
Coffee Break |
Coffee Break |
Coffee Break |
11h00-12h30 |
Sessões paralelas Mesa Redonda 1
Sessões paralelas Mesa Redonda 2 |
Sessões paralelas Mesas redondas 3 e 4 |
Sessões paralelas Mesa Redonda 5 Discussão convidados |
Sessões paralelas Mesa Redonda 6 |
12h30-14h00 |
Almoço |
Almoço |
Conferência Excursão
Almoço |
A good time to visit the city of São Paulo |
14h00-16h00 |
Comunicações oral 1 |
Comunicações Oral 2 |
Comunicações Orais 3 |
16h00-16h30 |
Coffee Break |
Coffee Break |
Coffee Break |
16h30-18h00 |
Recepção de boas vindas |
Workshop 1 |
Posters |
Workshop 2 |
18h00-19h30 |
Assembléia GIREP |
20h00 |
Atividades sociais |
Atividades sociais |
Jantar de gala |
Atividades sociais |
A) Keynote Speakers (abstracts available at Abstract Submission).
1) Dialogic development of children'sideasusingcomputation in theclassroom: keeping it simple
Ian Laurence,
Institute of Physics, UK
2) Benefits and Challenges of Technology in Teaching Physics
Prof. Ton Ellermeijer
Foundation CMA, Amsterdam, Netherlands
3) Thinking Like a Physicist” about Physics Education
Prof. Paula Heron
University of Washington, USA
4) Simple experiments in physics teaching and learning – do theyhaveany perspectives?
Prof. Leoš Dvořák , Dept. of Physics Education,
Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Charles University, Prague, CzechRepublic
Laurence Viennot
PRES Sorbonne Paris Cité, Université Paris Diderot, LDAR - France
B) Invited Talk:
Making of Manga Guide to Physics
Hideo Nitta
Tokyo Gakugei University, Japan
Manga is a Japanese term that can be translated as "comics", a medium expressing stories by a series of simple illustrations combined with text and other visual information. After the World War II a specific style of Manga has been developed in Japan and very widely spread. Originally, Manga was intended for children’s fun, but nowadays it has been widely accepted by almost all generations. Manga is so popular for young students that there appears a lot of efforts for using it for education.But why Manga for physics education? Manga is not a simple accumulation of illustrations. It is an expressive and dynamic medium that can represent the flow of time. By Manga, one can express changes in motion vividly, which is vital to physics education.On the other hand, publishing a Manga textbook is far from a simple work: it needs combined efforts of the illustrator, the scenario writer, and the physicist. In this talk I will not only present its content and usage but mention how the making of “Manga Guide to Physics” was.
C) Round Tables:
1- Women in Physics and Physics Education
Marcia Barbosa, Federal Univesity of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil
Pratibha Joly, University of Delhi, India
In an era when women are increasingly prominent in medicine, law, and business, why are there so few women scientists and engineers? A 2010 research report by AAUW presents compelling evidence that can help to explain this puzzle. Why So Few? Women in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) presents in-depth yet accessible profiles of eight key research findings that point to environmental and social barriers that continue to block women’s progress in STEM. The barriers includes stereotypes, gender bias, and the climate of science and engineering departments in colleges and universities. How this issues influence the decision girsl to start a Science carrier? How are our courses dealing with these perjudices to support the girsl decision to pursuit their stuties in Science? These are some question this round-table will ask for answers.
2- Physics education and diversity in society
Antonia Candela Martin, INP, México
Tanja Tajmel, Professional School of Education, Germany
Katemari Rosa, State University of Paraíba, Brazil
The topic of diversity in society was first of all worked in the basis o findigenious science and science education. Nowadys, the diversity in society was spread to a larger definition. It is usually mirror edby diversity in the classroom, genderand cultural issues as well as language minorities may count as relevant. For cultural issues there are a handful of chapters published in ScienceEducation. Gender issues may best be represented by recent research in a psychology where some rigorous studies about gender differences in physics education. Works on language and diversity and its influences on physics learning will be also a theme in thisround-table.
3 - Research-based Alternatives to Traditional Physics Teaching at University and College
Jenaro Guisasola, University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU). Spain
Cristiano R. Mattos, University of São Paulo, Brazil
Genaro Zabala (Tecnológico de Monterrey. Mexico); Ruben Limaña (Universitat de Alicante. Spain); Marisa Michelini & Alberto Stefanel (University of Udine. Italy) ; M. Kryjevskaia (North Dakota State University. USA)
The instructional alternative approaches to the traditional lectures in physics education are a flourishing area of research and development for improving physics teaching. Physics Education Research (PER) proposes new teaching approaches in a gradual research-based evolutionary process aiming empirical development at iterative development. These approaches may study didactical transformations of scientific content, design of well documented sequences of teaching activities, students' learning progression monitored by various methods, produce evidence based innovative products and, so on.
In the present Symposium of GIREP Thematic Group PERU (Physics Education Research at University) for 2ndWCPE, we provide an overview of trends with regard different methodologies of instruction and analysis of students’ learning. The symposium aims to describe and discuss teaching approaches and students’ achievement on specific topics of the curriculum at university level. We discuss and compare teaching approach frameworks and their features across different characteristics, such as transformation of the content, explicit monitoring of students’ learning and evaluation. We draw different lines of teaching approaches. G. Zavala will present “The design of problems based on cognitive scaffolding to teach physics”. He has been workingonthe design ofproblemsbasedoncognitivescaffolding to teachphysics. Theseproblems are designed to beused in almostanysettingsince no equipment is needed. Students work in collaborativegroupsofthreeor four studentseach.
The design consists on transforming a traditionalproblem to a Tutorial-format problem which takes the student through scientific reasoning steps to build concepts, that is, cognitives caffolding. In thiscontribution some examples will be presente dand results of reasoning of students will be analyzed. Secondly, R. Limiñana will present the development of a teaching/learning sequence base don a structure of problems olving that generates a tentative environment, where students and teacher have to plan a possible strategy to advance/solve the problem, carry out this plan and analyse results. He will analyse the specific topic of latitude and longitude. Then, M. Michellini will present “Innovation in Physics Teaching/Learning for the formative success in introductory physics for Bio-Area degrees: the case of fluids”. Research based intervention modules are studied in the last two years, for degrees inthe University of Udine. The main aspects to be faced are: A) To re-design the way in which physics is offered so that its role can be recognized in the specific subject matter characterizing the degree: turning the ways in which physics is approached, changing the role of each topical areas, individuating specific applications of physics in the professional field of the degree; B) To offer instruments and methods building a physics competence in different fields; C) To individuate strategies able to produce an active role of students in learning physics and to give them the opportunity for an appropriation of the applied physics methodologies; D) To support students learning in multitasking ways by means of ICT tools, of lab activities, of problem solving and step by step evaluation of learning outcomes. Finally, M. Kryjevskaia will deal with “Examining the Relationships Among Intuition, Reasoning, and Conceptual Understanding in Physics”. In an ongoing project focusing on student reasoning in Physics, she has been developing and applying various methodologies that allow her to disentangle reasoning, intuition, and conceptual understanding in Physics. It is used the dual process theory to account for the observed patterns in student responses. Data from introductory physics courses will be presented and implications for instruction will be discussed.
We suggest that there has been progress, but that more work is needed towards identifying the effectiveness of the approaches in different countries with similar contexts and curriculum. The products of the innovation must be reproducible, as is not often the case, to constitute a reasonable foundation of accepted didactical material. Cristiano R. Mattos will discuss about the advantages and problems that arise from the presented proposals and, in general, from research-based teaching approaches.
4 – Professional development of Physics teachers
Deise Vianna (abstract), Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Zulma Gangoso, Universidad De Cordoba, Argentina
5 - Cern Masterclass courses and the impact on school physics
Uta Bilow, Technological University of Dresden, Germany
Marcia Begali, State University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Research institutes and universities around the world invite students and their teachers for a day-longprogramme to experience life at the forefront of basic research. These International Masterclassesgive students the opportunity to be particle physicists for a day by analysing real data from CERN’s Large Hadron Collider (LHC). Thhe project attract each year more than 10,000 high-school students from 40 countries.
While a Higgs bosonhas already been discovered by scientists at the LHC, the data hold many other interesting secrets waiting to be found. In the International Masterclasses, high-school students work with real data collected by the experiments at the LHC. The main idea of this round table is to evaluate how the annualprogramme is to let students work as much as possible like real scientists. Which are the impacts in Science education for those that are not involved directly in the activities and how the teachers that have participate modify their methodological approach in Science teaching.
6 - Perspectives from WCPE 2016 in physics education: Where have we been and where would we like to be?
This discussion will be started by a number of people who have significant involvement nationally and internationally. The floor will then be open for further short statement reflecting informed perspectives. Then there will be a time of discussion and reflection. At this second WCPE, it is a time for the community take stock, once every four years. We might think about where the community has come from, and where we might go to, using these dates as a focus:
2080: +4x4x4 years
2036: +4x4 years
2020: +4 years
2016 WCPE 02: Now!
2012 WCPE 01: -4 years
2000: -4x4 years
1952: -4x4x4 years
Chair Ian Lawrence - Institute of Physics, UK
Paula Heron - University of Washington, USA
Hideo Nitta - Tokyo Gakugei University, Japan
Peter Hubber - Deakin University, Australia
Prof. Ton Ellermeijer - Foundation CMA, Amsterdam, Netherlands
Laurence Viennot - PRES Sorbonne Paris Cité, Université Paris Diderot, LDAR - France
Laurence Viennot - PRES Sorbonne Paris Cité, Paris Diderot University, LDAR - França
Mais informações: www.wcpe2016.org/en e www.facebook.com/WCPE-2016-1024355680942533/