Journal Club do DFMT com Natasha F. Aguero

Journal Club do Departamento de Física dos Materiais e Mecânica – FMT

Nesta semana a pós-graduanda Natasha Fioretto Aguero, apresentará o artigo: "Evidence for a mental health crisis in graduate education" T.M. Evans et. al.

Dia: 22 de agosto, quarta-feira, às 12h10.

Local: Sala de Seminários José Roberto Leite, Edifício Alessandro Volta (bloco C).


With mental illness a growing concern within graduate education, data from a new survey should prompt both academia and policy makers to consider intervention strategies. In order to address gaps in the understanding of mental health prevalence in the graduate trainee population, we deployed a comprehensive survey that included clinically validated scales for anxiety (GAD07) and depression (PHQ09) via social media and direct email. We surveyed a total of 2,279 individuals (90% PhD students and 10% Master's students). Respondents were from 26 countries and 234 institutions and represented diverse fields of study including, biological/physical science (38%), engineering (2%), humanities/social sciences (56%) and “other” (4%). The data presented here demonstrate that the graduate trainee community has a considerable prevalence of individuals with anxiety and depression. Although this is a convenience sample in which respondents who have had a history of anxiety or depression may have been more apt to respond to the survey, the data should prompt both academia and policy makers to consider intervention strategies. Nature Biotechnology volume 36, pages 282–284 (2018) DOI: 10.1038/nbt.4089 - Link:

Data do Evento: 
22/08/2018 - 12:00 até 13:00
Data de Término: 
22/08/2018 - 12:00

Desenvolvido por IFUSP