Journal Club do Laboratório de Física da Atmosfera

Journal Club do Laboratório de Física da Atmosfera – FAP

“Multi-year statistical and modelling analysis of submicrometer aerosol number size distributions at a rain forest site in Amazonia”

Marco Franco, IFUSP

Dia: 02 de maio, quarta-feira, às 11h.

Local: Sala 105, Ed. Basílio Jafet.


The Amazon Basin is a unique region to study atmospheric aerosols, given their relevance for the regional hydrological cycle and large uncertainty of their sources. In the wet season, biogenic sources and processes prevail, and the Amazonian atmospheric composition resembles pre-industrial conditions. In the dry season, the Basin is influenced by widespread biomass burning emissions. This work reports multi-year observations of high time resolution submicrometer (10–600 nm) particle number size distributions at a rain forest site in Amazonia (TT34 tower, 60 km NW from Manaus city), between years 2008–2010 and 2012–2014.

Data do Evento: 
02/05/2018 - 11:00 até 13:00
Data de Término: 
02/05/2018 - 11:00

Desenvolvido por IFUSP