Precise Oscillations in Stochastic Thermodynamics

Precise Oscillations in Stochastic Thermodynamics

Palestrante: André Barato (University of Houston)

Data e Local: 18/11, 4ª feira, 14h. Via ZOOM e YouTube. Reunião 433-672-515. Senha 215283.


This talk is about the relation between precision and dissipation in systems that display oscillations and pertain to the framework of stochastic thermodynamics. We discuss the following results. A universal bound on the number of coherent oscillations in a biochemical system such as a circadian clock. The relations between precision and dissipation in spatial oscillations of Turing patterns in a simple model. The emergence of subharmonic oscillations in periodically driven systems and a related thermodynamically consistent model of a time-crystal. A brief introduction to the emerging field of stochastic thermodynamics will also be provided.

Sobre o evento

Seminário do Grupo de Física Estatística do Departamento de Física Geral do IFUSP. Para mais informações, acesse ou entre em contato através do endereço



Data do Evento: 
18/11/2020 - 14:00
Data de Término: 
18/11/2020 - 15:00

Desenvolvido por IFUSP