S P I N off QuBIT October Meeting

S P I N off QuBIT October Meeting

23/10, 10h às 17h. IFUSP, Auditório Novo 2

Acesse aqui para mais informações. 

SPIN off QuBIT is a recently formed network of researchers from the state of São Paulo working in Quantum Information and related fields. The group meetings, which takes place three to four times a year, are an opportunity to get to know what other researcher are doing, find common research interests and discuss the latest advances from each group. The meeting of 2019 will take place at the Physics Institute of the University of São Paulo on October 23, in Auditório Novo 2. The meetings are informal. Anyone interested in participating is more than welcome to join. More information about the program will be posted on the network's official BLOG. Any researchers interested in giving a talk, please contact Gabriel T. Landi at gtlandi@if.usp.br


Data do Evento: 
23/10/2019 - 10:00
Data de Término: 
23/10/2019 - 17:00

Desenvolvido por IFUSP