Secondary ion mass spectrometry applications in highly multidisciplinary research

Secondary ion mass spectrometry applications in highly multidisciplinary research

Palestrante: Dr. Gustavo F. Trindade (University of Nottingham)

Data e Local: 04/06, 6ª feira, 14h. Via Google Meet. Reunião PSG-BSVU-YJA.


Secondary ion mass spectrometry (SIMS) is based on the detection of ionised molecules, molecular fragments or atoms generated by the bombardment of an ion beam on the surface of a material. It has roots on the measurement of semiconductors and evolved to be one of the most powerful techniques for the analysis of organic and inorganic materials. Modern SIMS instruments are operated with low doses of micro/nano scale focused primary ion beams, which enables the 3D chemical mapping of organic materials with very low fragmentation and extremely high surface sensitivity to produce 3D data from within a material, with information as rich as a full mass spectrum with thousands of relevant ions at every analysed voxel. To make full use of the data, researchers employ statistical data analysis methods such as unsupervised machine learning for dimensionality reduction. The technique has had a great impact within physics, chemistry, and engineering and, in the past decade, SIMS broke into biological and pharmaceutical sciences. I will present a range of multidisciplinary projects of which I have been involved and used SIMS and unsupervised machine learning to answer important scientific questions.

This seminar is one activity of a collaboration project supported by FAPESP, project number 2019/07426-0.

Sobre o evento

Seminário promovido pelo grupo representante do Laboratório de Análise de Materiais por Feixes Iônicos do IFUSP (LAMFI-IFUSP).


Data do Evento: 
04/06/2021 - 14:00
Data de Término: 
04/06/2021 - 15:00

Desenvolvido por IFUSP