Seminário do Grupo de Física Estatística

Seminário do grupo de Física Estatística

"Title: Multifractality in aperiodic quantum spin chains"

Palestrante: Dimitrios Voliotis, IFSC, USP
Local: Sala 2061 (antiga 201) -  Ala 1 - Sala de Seminários
Data: 08 de maio, quarta-feira, às 14h00 


Recently has been investigated that the ground-state wavefunction ofthe one dimensional quantum spin-1/2 chain models is multifractal in general with non-trivial fractal dimension. We are studying this phenomena for the quantum Ising chain with aperiodic perturbation. By performing a block real-space renormalization approach we obtain the ground-state wave function and we extract the generalized multifractal dimension and the multifractal spectrum. For a spin chain with negative wandering exponent the multifractal quantities have the same behavior with the unperturbed chain while for vanishing wandering exponent are dependent on the coupling ratio. For spin chain with positive wandering exponent, the multifractal quantities present a different non-linear behavior. Finally, we present some preliminary results of constructing the multifractal quantities with the same block renormalization scheme for the excited-state wave function as well as for a chain with long-range interac!

Data do Evento: 
08/05/2019 - 14:00 até 17:00
Data de Término: 
08/05/2019 - 14:00

Desenvolvido por IFUSP