Seminário do Grupo de Hádrons e Física Teórica

Seminário do Grupo de Hádrons e Física Teórica (GRHAFITE) – FEP

“Discrete Scale Invariance in Nuclear and Atomic Systems”

Prof. Dr. Ubirajara van Kolck (Institut de Physique Nucleaire d´Orsay & University of Arizona)

Dia: 08 de maio, terça-feira, às 17h.

Local: Ed. Principal, Ala 2, Sala 335, IFUSP.

Resumo da palestra:

Two-nucleon and some two-atom (such as 4He) systems are close to the unitarity limit, where there is no finite-energy bound state and the scattering amplitude is scale invariant. For bosons and multi-state fermions with finite-range interactions, a single-parameter three-body force breaks the symmetry down to discrete scale invariance (DSI) and generates geometric towers of states in systems of three or more bodies. I show evidence that light nuclei can be described well in a perturbative expansion around the unitarity limit. I also discuss the implications of DSI for the ground states of larger bosonic systems, which might be accessible in experiments with cold atoms near Feshbach resonances.

O Prof. Ubirajara van Kolck visitará o Grupo de Hádrons e Física Teórica (GRHAFITE), no período de 7 a 18/05/18.

Data do Evento: 
08/05/2018 - 17:00 até 19:00
Data de Término: 
08/05/2018 - 17:00

Desenvolvido por IFUSP