Seminário do Grupo de Hádrons e Física Teórica - Prof. Rômulo Rougemont


“Holographic Black Hole Engineering and the Strongly Coupled Quark-Gluon Plasma”

Rômulo Rougemont, (pós-doc do IFUSP)

16 de agosto, terça feira, Ed. Principal, Ala 2, sala 335, IFUSP, às 17h.


In this seminar, I discuss how one can engineer the construction of 5D black holes in asymptotically AdS spacetimes in such a way that their thermodynamics quantitatively match the most recent lattice data available for the QCD equation of state at finite temperature. By doing so, we teach the black holes how to behave in a QCD-like manner in equilibrium situations, and hope that they may give useful insights in more general situations where lattice simulations suffer from severe technical limitations, as in the case of the description of nonequilibrium transport phenomena and also in the context of QCD thermodynamics at nonzero baryon density. I will then discuss how these higher dimensional black hole geometries may be used to extract information about the QCD phase diagram at finite baryon chemical potential or nonzero magnetic field. Most importantly, I will also discuss how perturbations of these black holes allow for the study of real time, nonequilibrium transport properties of the strongly coupled quarkgluon plasma produced in heavy ion collisions, which are currently out of the reach of first principle lattice and/or perturbative QCD techniques.

Data do Evento: 
16/08/2016 - 17:00 até 19:00
Data de Término: 
16/08/2016 - 17:00

Desenvolvido por IFUSP