Seminário do Grupo de Pesquisa Jorge André Swieca

Seminário - Grupo de Pesquisa Jorge André Swieca

Palestrante: Karl-Henning Rehren (Universität Göttingen - Alemanha)

Título: Helicity decoupling in the massless limit of massive tensor fields

DATA: 22.02.2017  (quarta-feira)
HORÁRIO: 16:00 horas
LOCAL: Sala B-09 - Bloco B, IME-USP

Resumo: Massive local tensor fields of higher spin s are singular when the mass goes to zero. We identify a family of string-local fields on the same Hilbert space that decouple exactly into massless fields of helicity h= ± r, 0≤ r ≤ s, at m=0. This sheds new light on the Weinberg-Witten theorem (nonexistence of a local stress-energy tensor for massless fields with | h | >1), on the vanDam-Veltman-Zakharov discontinuity (coupling of massive gravitons when  m -> 0), and on the ″fattening" deformation making a massless field massive. Joint work with B. Schroer and J. Mund.


Data do Evento: 
22/02/2017 - 16:00 até 18:00
Data de Término: 
22/02/2017 - 16:00

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