Seminário do INCT/NAP/GFCx

Seminário do INCT/NAP/GFCx 

Dia: 28/11/2018, 4ª. FEIRA, às 15h. 

Local: Edifício Basílio Jafet, sala 105. 

“Cellulose-based Chiral Structures"
In this talk cellulose-based films and fibers obtained from liquid crystalline systems, responsive to moisture, are presented. The properties of the materials produced and characterised are compared with cellulose anisotropic structures existing in plants. Particular attention will be dedicated to helical micro/filaments and ribbons, essentially formed by cellulose, that can be isolated from petiole tracheary elements and dead tissues from plants. Relations between morphology/properties are made in order to mimic the cellulose/micro-nano structures for  materials with new functionalities.
Prof. Maria Helena Godinho
Associate Professor with Habilitation
Materials Science Department,
Faculty of Sciences and Technology of
New University (FCT/UNL) of Lisbon and
Soft and Bio-functional Materials Group (SBMG) (Head of the Group), CENIMAT/I3N 

Data do Evento: 
28/11/2018 - 15:00 até 17:00
Data de Término: 
28/11/2018 - 15:00

Desenvolvido por IFUSP