Seminário do Laboratório de Cristalografia - FAP


“Fundamental to Application studies with Micropipette Manipulation Techniques”

Prof. Koji Kinoshita, Center of Single Particle Science and Engineering, Department of Molecular Medicine, University of Southern Denmark, Odense, Denmark

Dia: 05 de maio, sexta-feira, às 15h.

Local: Sala 105, Ed. Basília Jafet, IFUSP.


By controlling pressure inside of a micropipette, micropipette manipulation techniques have been used for biophysics and physicochemical studies for many years. Recently, in our laboratory, we introduced new techniques, micropipette interfacial area-expansion method for dynamic surface tension measurement with interfacial adsorption molecules, and single microdroplet catching method for microdroplet formation and dissolution measurement. These techniques do not only promise to investigate the fundamental properties of molecules at an interface, such as adsorption rate and diffusion constant, but also application study for micro- or nano-particle formulation, such as a drug encapsulated particles. On the other hand, a classical micropipette manipulation technique, micropipette aspiration method is already well known as for cell membrane elasticity measurement. Using the technique, the elasticity change was often measured to investigate the effects of chemical compounds, oxidants and peptides, which can adsorb and change membrane property at membrane surface in macro level. Under the collaboration with Prof. Rosangela Itri’s group (Department of Applied Physics, IFUSP), we investigate the mechanism of mechanical and signaling change of red blood cell membrane through cytoskeleton network with photosensitizer-mediated oxidation affects by developing these micropipette techniques. Supported by The Danish Agency for Science, Technology and Innovation Award to Koji Kinoshita.

Data do Evento: 
05/05/2017 - 15:00 até 17:00
Data de Término: 
05/05/2017 - 15:00

Desenvolvido por IFUSP