Seminários da Graduação com Rodrigo Silva (IFUSP)

Women in Exact Sciences

Rodrigo dos Anjos Silva, IFUSP

Dia: 24 de outubro, quarta-feira, às 14h.

Local: IFUSP, Ed. Principal, Ala Central, Sala 202.


Professor Márcia Barbosa, a woman physicist from UFRGS, said “There are few women that enter in the exact courses, and there are even fewer that finish it”. However, it is not a new phenomenon. Some historians say that since the brutal death of Hypatia (415 B.C.), women were blocked from studying exact sciences and the ones that had studied were neglected in history. Now, in 2016, a research showed that in the Physics course in USP, the percentual of women who join the course is only 23%, against 77% of men. This difference was more pronounced in Poli-USP, with a percentual of 18% of women. I believe that a large percentage of this lack of women is given by the few representations of women in our classes in basic teaching. So, in this seminar, I will present the history about some women in exact sciences and talk with the audience trying to find a way to include their history in the basic teaching.


Data do Evento: 
24/10/2018 - 14:00 até 17:00
Data de Término: 
24/10/2018 - 14:00

Desenvolvido por IFUSP